- apertura atrialis 围腮腔孔
- In apertura di ripresa il Brasile accorcia subito le distanze con Luis Fabiano. 下半时刚一开始,巴西就凭借法比亚诺的进球缩小了差距。
- Argentinian champions River start their Apertura campaign on August 10 when they travel to Colon. 去年阿甲冠军河床将于8月10号奔赴克隆展开他们的春季联赛之旅。
- Aguilar claims the 29-year-old Peru striker's agent approached the club ahead of the start of the Apertura, which gets under way next month. 阿奎拉尔表示29岁的秘鲁前锋的经纪人已经与河床进行了接触,双方都希望能在下个月开赛的阿根廷春季联赛之前达成转会协议。
- The 19-year-old Cavani, who helped Danubio Montevideo win the Apertura tournament by scoring 13 goals, stated that he would be delighted to move to Italy. 年仅19岁的卡瓦尼已经为球队贡献13粒进球,他表示自己期待去意大利踢球。
- The results showed that stomatal density of soybean leaves increased, stomatal apertura and relative stomatal area per leave area decreased under water stress. 结果表明:经水分胁迫的大豆叶片气孔密度增加,气孔开口大小和单位叶面积气孔相对面积减小。
- So far he has only played two games within the Apertura tournament and one friendly during the Mexican tour, but Bobadilla already feels part of Boca’s team. 到现在为止,他还仅仅参加过两场春季联赛和一场在墨西哥的友谊赛。但博巴迪利亚感到自己已经成为球队的一员。
- Il suo procuratore, Daniel Fonseca, ha rilasciato a Sky sport 24 una dichiarazione di apertura totale: «Con il club bianconero abbiamo quasi raggiunto un accordo. 这名乌拉圭后卫的经纪人达尼埃尔.;丰塞卡在接受天空体育24小时采访时公开表示:“我们几乎同斑马军团在所有转会细节上达成了一致。
- The19- year-old, who impressed in the Apertura tournament by scoring13 goals and leading Danubio Montevideo to victory, has admitted that he is flattered with the Milan and Juve links. 19岁的卡瓦尼在春季联赛中射进了13个进球带领着达奴比奥走向胜利;他已经承认;对和米兰和尤文联系在一起感到高兴.
- The 19-year-old, who impressed in the Apertura tournament by scoring 13 goals and leading Danubio Montevideo to victory, has admitted that he is flattered with the Milan and Juve links. 19岁的卡瓦尼在春季联赛中射进了13个进球带领着达奴比奥走向胜利;他已经承认;对和米兰和尤文联系在一起感到高兴.
- apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli 前庭水管外口
- apertura inferior canaliculi tympanici 鼓室小管上口
- ramus atrialis anastomoticus arteriae coronariae sinistrae 左冠状动脉心房吻合支
- ramus atrialis intermedium arteriae coronariae dextrae 右冠状动脉房间支
- apertura interna aqueductus vestibuli 前庭水管内口
- apertura lateralis ventriculi guarti 基-雷二氏孔
- apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti 第四脑室外侧孔
- apertura medialis ventriculi quarti 第四脑室正中孔,马让迪氏孔
- apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani 鼓索小管鼓室口
- apertura externa aquaeductus cochleae 蜗小管外口