- Anyone who has brought an action for such a transfer may lodge an appeal against a decision through which the claim has been rejected. 任何对此类移转裁决提出诉讼的人必须提出已对此裁决提起过申诉并被拒绝之事实。
- appeal to a higher court; appeal against a decision 不服判决而上诉
- International Appeals Tribunal A body established by the FAI Air Sport General Commission to hear and make final judgement on an appeal against a decision relating to a dispute of a sporting nature. 国际上诉裁决所FAI航空运动总务委员会就有关运动性质争端决定之上诉案件,为听取和作出最后的判决所设立的机构。
- The case, in the mechanical engineering department, came to light when Ansymana Koroma, a student from Sierra Leone, appealed against a decision not to award him a Ph.D. 机器工程系的案子得以公开,起自一个来自塞拉利昂的学生,Ansymana Koroma 先生,对校方不授予他博士学位决定的上诉申辩。
- appeal against a decision 不服决定提出上诉
- The litigant may not lodge an appeal against a legally effective verdict that terminates matrimony. 当事人对已经发生法律效力的解除婚姻关系的判决,不得申请再审。
- The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial. 当事人对重审案件的判决、裁定,可以上诉。
- China filed an appeal against a ruling by the WTO that calls for the country to lift restrictions against American books, films and music. WTO裁定中国取消其对美国图书、电影及音乐的贸易管制,中国就此提出申诉。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- I will appeal against being found guilty. 若被判有罪,我会上诉。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- Even Madam Chou didn't dare go against a decision of the Venerable Master Kao. What chance would a grandson stand? 在老太爷的命令下现在连太太也没有办法,何况做孙儿的他?
- A decision on this matter is pending. 此事即将作出决定。
- Students will have the right to appeal against a result, and demand a re-mark, subject to payment of the fee as set at that time and in accordance with the IOE regulations as in force at that time. 按照当时设定的费用支付和埃克斯波特学院当时有效的规定,学生有权就其成绩提出质疑,并要求重新评分。
- We can't reach a decision without our chairman. 主席不在场,我们无法做出决定。
- The car dashed against a telephone booth. 那车子猛地撞在一间电话亭上。
- John lodged an appeal against the decision. 约翰不服判决,提出上诉。
- They marvelled that she would make such a decision. 他们对她做出如此决定感到惊奇。
- I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head. 我撞到一扇玻璃门上,把头撞伤了。
- There is no right of appeal against the decision. 关于这项判决,没有上诉权。