- Appeal for redress of a wrong 申诉冤屈,要求洗雪
- Patriotic guilt is man-made? --- Appeal for redress of the ruling party!!! 爱国有罪是人祸?---上诉,为执政的共产党伸冤!!!
- To petition (a court) for redress of grievances or recovery of a right. 向(法院)起诉:请求(法院)做法律上的补救或恢复某项权利
- She acted out the role of a wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她扮作受了冤枉的情人,好让他感到内疚。
- Patriotic soldiers appealed for the prevention of a civil war. 爱国士兵呼吁阻止内战的爆发。
- Patriotic soldier appeal for the prevention of a civil war. 爱国的士兵呼吁防止发生内战。
- The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. 住在城市里的机会对我没有什么吸引力。
- They recognized that federal government policies either helped or hindered their livelihoods, and began to call out for redress of certain grievances. 他们认识到联邦政府的政策对他们的生计可能有利,也可能有害,于是开始提出呼吁,要求纠正他们遭受到的某些不公正待遇。
- The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
- Does jazz hold any appeal for you? 你对爵士乐有兴趣吗?
- The miners stayed out for the best part of a month. 矿工们持续罢工了近一个月之久。
- I appealed for redress. 我恳求赔偿。
- Films of that sort have lost their appeal for me. 那种电影对我已经没有吸引力了。
- Only one in four Americans can name more than one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment( freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances. 根据一项调查显示:就美国宪法第一修正案所授予的五项自由权利,能够说出其中至少两项的美国人只有1/,这五项权利包括言论自由、教信仰自由、版自由、会自由和向政府请愿要求申冤的自由。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Their appeal for help went unheeded. 他们求助的呼吁未受到注意。
- They have reliable avenues for redress when they feel that wrong has been done. 当他们认为当局做错事的时候,他们有可信赖的方式进行纠正。
- The role of a wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她装出一副受委屈的情人的样子,以让他感到内疚。
- I appealed for redress . 我恳求赔偿。
- Films of that sort have lost their appeal for children. 那种电影对孩子们已经没有吸引力了。