- His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court. 他的律师决定向高一级法院上诉。
- His appeal to a higher court was set aside. 他的上诉被驳回。
- He decided to appeal to a higher court. 他决定向上一级法院上诉。
- The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution. 个人可向上级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。
- Appealing to a higher court will not increase the punishment. 上诉不加重刑罚。
- The losing side may decide to appeal to a higher court. 败诉方可以决定是否向更高一级法院上诉。
- The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court and the right of petition. 被告人有上诉权和申诉权。
- The right of individual to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution. 个人可向上级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。
- The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is providedfor in the constitution. 个人可向上级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。
- He appealed his case to a higher court. 他向上一级法院申诉。
- Incidental appeal refers to the special appeal instituted by the appellee who is attached to the procedure for appeal, after one party (to a lawsuit) appealing to a higher court. 摘要附带上诉是指当事人一方上诉后,被上诉人依附于该上诉程序而提起的特殊上诉。
- The case was referred to a higher court. 案件被提交上级法院处理。
- Take a court case to a higher court for review. 把案件送到更高的法庭来重审。
- The fate of an appeal to a higher court 向上级法院上诉的结果
- provoke sb. to appeal to a higher court 调词架讼
- The tax agency appealed to a higher court, frustrating the family's foreign travel plans. 税务局则向上一级法院提出了上诉,使得这一家的国外旅游计划受阻。
- appeal to a higher court; appeal against a decision 不服判决而上诉
- She appealed to a higher court. 她向上级法院上诉。
- He appeals to a higher court. 他向上一级的法院提出了申诉。
- An applicant who is refused legal aid may appeal to the Registrar of the High Court,or in Court of Final Appeal cases,to a Committee of Review. 申请人如不获批准法律援助,可向高等法院司法常务官上诉;如属终审法院的案件,则可向复核委员会上诉。