- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
- He was very sick at failing in the examination. 他对于考试不及格觉得很沮丧。
- The new buds appear in the spring. 春天嫩芽初绽。
- He failed in the examination of mechanics. 他没通过力学考试。
- She came out first in the examination. 她考试得第一名。
- I would rather fail than cheat in the examination. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。
- Press reports make his actions appear in the worst possible light. 新闻报道极力丑化他的举动。
- I wouldn't put it past him to cheat in the examination. 我认为他在考试中有可能作弊。
- He slipped up in his calculation and failed in the examination. 他计算出了错,这次考试未能及格。
- Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination. 吉姆这次考试大可不必那么拼命。
- A part of the building doesn't appear in the photo. 那建筑的一部分照片里没拍出来。
- The detective will appear in the person of beggar. 侦探将假扮为一乞丐。
- The last questions in the examination were facultative. 最後的那些考题答兴不答可听自便。
- His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世。
- An article about him appeared in the paper. 一篇有关他的文章在报上发表。
- He's a quiet unobtrusive student, but always does well in the examination. 他是个沉默寡言,不引人注目的学生,但他的考试成绩总是很优异。
- The "Code" will appear in the stores next October. 《密码》将于明年十月在书店上架出售。
- Her new book will appear in the shops very soon. 她的新著很快会在书店摆出来。
- The teachers were exasperated at/ by Bob's cheat in the examination. 教师们对鲍勃考试作弊的行为非常恼怒。
- His appearance in the flesh end the rumour about his death. 他亲自露面使传说他死亡的谣言不攻自灭。