- Henry's note to his father was short and sweet. 亨利写给父亲的信简明扼要。
- She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air. 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交给了我。
- He scrawled a few notes to Castor. 他潦草地给卡斯特写了几张货物清单。
- append notes to 加注解
- The Judge looked up from his notes to glare at him. 裁判官的头从文件上仰起来,对他怒目圆睁。
- append notes to a book 给书籍加上注解
- He has some notes to fall back on. 求助于,转而依靠。
- Example: I lend my notes to EMCEE. 我有笔记可以借给人。
- Please read the notes to the text in class. 你可以课堂上再看看注释。
- Keep notes to help you decide which marker to buy. 将要点写下来;帮助你做决定.
- I've get to go over my notes to tomorrow's midterm. 我不可不为明天的期中做卷子回温记事本。
- You should handwrite the note to your guests. 写给客人的便条你要亲自手写。
- Give the note to whomever you meet in the office. 把条子交给你在办公室里碰到的任何人。
- She penned a quick note to her mother. 她迅速地给母亲写了张便条。
- We must note to protect our national bequest. 我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。
- The official prefixed an explanatory note to the list of statistics. 那官员在统计表前加了一段说明文字。
- The appended note introduces the author. 这本书的附白介绍了作者的生平。
- I attached a note to my report with a paper clip. 我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。
- He taped the important note to his computer. 他把这个重要的信息存入了电脑。
- Could you write a note to Mr. Wood for me? 你能替我给伍德先生写个便条吗?