- He has always been an apple polisher. 他一直都是个马屁精。
- Dennis has always been an apple polisher. 丹尼斯一直就是一个马屁精。
- He was promoted very quickly because he is a real apple polisher. 他升职升得很快,因为他是一个十足的马屁精。
- Apple polishers are a pain in the neck to conscientious teachers. 对于有良心的教师,拍马屁的学生实在讨厌极了。
- Mary is an apple polisher; she will do anything for the boss. 玛丽是个马屁精,老板叫她干啥她就干啥。
- You should take much care of him, and he's a real apple polisher. 你可得多留心那小子,他可是个货真价实的马屁精。
- You should take much care of him,and he's a real apple polisher. 后面那辆车真让人受不了,我不明白那司机为什么一直按喇叭。
- You should take much care of him, and he's an apple polisher. 你对他得多当心点儿,他可是个马屁精。
- Don't be jealous of others! I need not to apple polish others. 不要嫉妒别人!我不需要去苹果抛光别人。
- The kids don’t like Carl much.He‘s the biggest apple polisher in our class. 同学们都不大喜欢卡尔,因为他是我们班里最大的马屁精。
- "Apple polishing"is as old as human society. “擦苹果”这种事情自有人类社会以来就存在于世。
- "Apple polishing" is as old as human society. “擦苹果”这种事情自有人类社会以来就存在于世。
- When you please your boss, you're apple polishing. 若你取悦你的老板,你就在拍马屁。
- When I please my boss, I am apple polishing. 如果我让老板高兴了,那是我溜须拍马。
- The kids don't like Carl very much. He's the biggest apple polisher in our class. 同学们不太喜欢卡尔,因为他是我们班上最大的马屁精。
- She is a real apple polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. 她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
- To apple polish often refers to a man who fawns on somebody for the purpose of getting some benefits. 阿谀奉承,多是指一个人心怀叵测以献媚,溜须拍马而取宠。
- An “ apple polisher ” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it. “擦苹果的人”是指给人送礼以赢得友谊或特殊待遇的人。虽说不上是贿赂,但也差不多。
- Apple polishers are a pain in the neck to concientious teachers. 爱拍马屁的学生让有良心的老师头痛。
- She's an apple polisher. 她是个马屁精