- A mark made by application of force or weight; an impression. 印象,印记由于用力或重量留下的记号
- A battery is the intentional application of force to another person. 殴打是对另一人故意施加的暴力。
- The range of hydropneumatic units represents a new work concept in all those fields requiring an application of force. 产品包括:气液增力缸、增压器、气缸、油压缸、气动冲压机、气液缓冲器及专用热压机械设备等,尤其在气液增力系列产品及相关气动冲压设备上有着多年研发制造经验,产品具有寿命长、精度高、输出力大、体积小、无泄露等特性,产品形成系列化、多元化能满足客户不同需求,同时能为客户设计制造特殊要求产品。
- The application of varnish made the desk shine. 上了清漆桌子发亮了。
- It mainly studies simplifications and equilibrium conditions of force systems and applications of the corresponding results. 静力学主要研究:力系的简化和力系的平衡条件及其应用。
- Force and vigour relate to the application of energy. force 和vigour指能量的应用.
- The application of mathematical principles to biological processes. 生物数学应用于生物学过程的数学原理
- Study on Application of Force Models of Thin-wall Part Milling 基于薄壁件铣削力模型的应用分析
- The enterprise is an applicant of this credit. 这家企业是信用证的申请者。
- But persuasion includes application of the law. 疏导,也包括运用法律的手段。
- Exercise or application of the intellect. 智力的练习或运用
- The Application of Accelerators in the U. E. E. 从高考谈加速器的应用。
- The clinical application of IGFs was reviewed. 本文就IGFs的临床应用作一综述。
- The Application of Force Equilibrium Sensor to Force Test System Experiment 力平衡式传感器在力测试系统实验的应用
- Application of Biotechnology in Cat'ica papaya L. 生物技术在番木瓜上的应用。
- Application of Coal Blending Technology in C.P.P. 掺配技术在选煤厂中的应用。
- Application of Forced Molting in Practice 强制换羽在生产实践中的应用
- Application of Converter for Food Packing Machine. 变频器在食品包装机上的应用。
- Application of Emotion Theory to P. E. 情绪理论在体育教学中的应用。
- They have verified the applicability of this new technique. 他们已经证实了这项新技术的实用性。