- The "pure" scientist often assumes that the application of knowledge is mundane. 有些从事于“纯理论”学科的科学家常常傲慢地把应用科学问题贬低为世俗的雕虫小技。
- Cognition is the application of knowledge that's been exchanged through the preceding three functions and is the ultimate goal of knowledge management. 认知是经过前面三种功能交流过的知识的应用,也是知识管理的最终目标。
- It seems to me that the Internet is a powerful tool that presents an opportunity for the advancement of the acquisition and application of knowledge. 对我而言,因特网是强有力的工具,为获得和应用知识增加了机会。
- One key to the successful passage of the examinations is understanding and application of knowledge. 顺利通过考试的一个关键因素是对知识的理解和运用。
- Now, economy increase depends on the production, pervasion and application of knowledge more and more than anytime. 当今,经济增长比任何时候都更依赖于知识的生产、扩散和应用。
- It emphasises the application of knowledge and professional training,and maintains strong links with industry and employers. 它着重知识的应用和专业训练,以及与业界和雇主保持密切联系。
- Science is accumulative body of knowledge about the natural world, abtained by the application of a special method, practised by the scientists. 科学是科学家应用一种特殊的方法获取的有关自然界的一整套的知识。
- The application of knowledge management and modern information technology in library improved the reengineering and change of library business process. 知识管理与现代信息技术的应用,促进了图书馆业务流程的重组与变革。
- It emphasises the application of knowledge and professional training, and maintains strong links with industry and employers. 理大提供多项研究院、学士学位和副学位课程,修习模式多元化,着重知识的应用和专业训练,以及与业界和雇主保持密切联系。
- Human wisdom is the understanding of nature through the work, understanding of nature, the accumulation of knowledge and application of knowledge. 智慧就是人类通过劳动了解大自然,认识大自然,积累知识,并运用知识的能力。
- Knowledge management includes the capture,recombination,innovation and application of knowledge and manpower resource management. 知识管理包括知识的捕获、重组、创新、应用及人力资源管理。
- The application of knowledge of the ABO system in blood transfusion practice is of enormous importance since mistakes can have fatal consequences. 在输血中应用ABO血型系统的知识至关重要,因为输血失误可能置人于死地。
- The application of varnish made the desk shine. 上了清漆桌子发亮了。
- Technology: Application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human environment . 技术:将知识应用于人类生活的实际目标,或应用在改造或控制人类的生存环境上。
- Modern educational technology promotes the production,dissemination and application of knowledge in the process of medical teaching. 现代教育技术推动了医学教学过程中知识的生产、传播和使用。
- Wisdom invokes questions of judgement, ethics, experience and intuition, all of which are necessary for the best application of knowledge. 明智行为'''调用对'''判断、伦理、经验和直觉的质疑''',所有这些对知识的最好应用都是必须的。
- Moreover, the occurance of innovation also relies on the interlace of spheres of knowledge and sometimes comprehensive application of knowledge. 这就是数学和科学起作用的地方。你需要比较眼前的情况和你过去的经验,计算出不同结果的可能性大小。
- The enterprise is an applicant of this credit. 这家企业是信用证的申请者。
- This means the falling cost and rising efficiency in the retrieval and analysis of information,makes the massive generation and application of knowledge a reality. 这意味着获取和分析过程都成本大为降低,效率成倍增加,使人类对知识与资讯的大规模发掘运用成为可能。
- Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project. 把项目管理定义为:项目管理就是把项目管理的知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项目活动,以实现项目目标。