- application to death penalty 死刑适用
- The death penalty cannot be abolished,and some criminals must be sentenced to death. 死刑不能废除,有些罪犯就是要判死刑。
- The death penalty cannot be abolished, and some criminals must be sentenced to death. 死刑不能废除,有些罪犯就是要判死刑。
- Some people would like to see the death penalty come back. 有些人希望恢复死刑。
- Article 43 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that, "the death penalty is only applicable to criminals who have committed the most heinous of crimes. 《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十三条规定:"死刑只适用于罪大恶极的犯罪分子。
- The senate vote to abolish the death penalty. 立法机关投票决定废除死刑。
- Should the death penalty be abolished? 应该废除死刑吗?
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- The murderer was shot to death at a word. 谋杀者立刻被一枪打死。
- MPs voted against bringing back the death penalty. 下议院议员投票反对恢复死刑。
- The criminal was condemned to death. 这个罪犯被判死刑。
- Was he in favour of the death penalty? 他赞成死刑吗?
- He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun. 他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。
- The burglar was sentenced to death. 那个窃贼被判死刑。
- The joke has been flogged to death. 这个笑话已经说得令人生腻了。
- The murderer was sentenced to death. 杀人犯被判处死刑。
- We're trying to do away with the death penalty. 我们正设法废除死刑。