- Lets an application write primitive Java data types to an output stream in a portable way. 让应用程序用可移植的方式把基本的Java数据类型写到输出流。
- We must cultivate the ideation of the students to improve their ability of thinking so as to improve the ability of the application writing of the students. 要提高学生的应用写作思维能力,必须在教学中重视对学生思维力的培养,强化思维定势养成训练、思维品质训练和思维纠错训练,以引领、促进其它写作技能的提高。
- It is an example of a full-fledged word processing application written using MFC. 它是使用MFC编写的完整字处理应用程序的示例。
- Provides instructions on how to access a Web Service from a client application written in managed code. 提供有关如何访问用托管代码编写的客户端应用程序中Web服务的说明。
- Provides instructions on how to asynchronously access a Web Service from a client application written in managed code. 提供有关如何异步访问用托管代码编写的客户端应用程序中Web服务的说明。
- This is an application written against the Demographics column in the Sales.Store table. 这是一个对Sales.;Store表中的Demographics列编写的应用程序。
- If your application writes strings values directly to the event log, you do not need to set these properties. 如果您的应用程序直接将字符串值写入事件日志,则不需要设置这些属性。
- An LDAP application written using the System.DirectoryServices.Protocols namespace can be ported to DSML with minimal changes. 使用System.;DirectoryServices
- Class when your application writes to an event log; it is not necessary to use an event log installer for your application to read from an event log. 类;应用程序要读取事件日志中的内容,不一定要使用事件日志安装程序。
- EffecTV is a fantastic application written by Fukuchi Kentaro that gives you access to the raw pixel data from a video capture device. EffecTV是一个由Fukuchi Kentaro编写的奇特的应用程序,使开发人员能够访问来自视频捕捉设备的原始像素数据。
- If your application writes entries using both resource identifiers and string values, you must register two separate sources. 如果应用程序写入项时既使用资源标识符也使用字符串值,则必须注册两个不同的源。
- If your application writes string values directly to the event log, you do not need to set the resource file properties for the source. 如果您的应用程序将字符串值直接写入事件日志,则不需要为该源设置资源文件属性。
- I am writing with reference to your job application. 敬覆者,关於您申请工作一事。
- If your application writes too much information to the log, it could fill the log or make finding important information difficult. 如果应用程序将过多信息写入日志,可能填满日志,或者使得查找重要信息变得十分困难。
- Your application writes to a back buffer and then flips the color front buffer so that the back buffer appears on screen. 应用程序可以先写入到后缓存,然后翻转颜色缓存,这样后缓存就显示在屏幕上。
- Since many years, Wan Lida's expense electronic products line has been revolving the screen the application writes an essay. 多年以来,万利达的消费电子产品线一直在围绕“屏幕”的应用做文章。
- I am writing to you in connection with your job application. 此信是有关你求职一事的。
- To view dump information for an application written in managed code, you must use a tool named SOS, which is an external component that can be loaded into the debugger. 要查看使用托管代码编写的应用程序的转储信息,必须使用称为SOS的工具,它是一个可以加载到调试器中的外部组件。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。