- In an information rich world, assessing, evaluating, applying information to specific problems are critical issues. 在这个资讯丰富的世界上,获取、评估、应用资讯于特定的问题是极为重要的事情。
- Informationization firstly refers to the process of researching and applying information technology. 摘要信息化首先是指信息技术的研发和应用过程。
- It is called digital and modern medical treatment by applying information and computer technology to medical treatment. 把计算机技术、信息技术应用于整个医疗过程中便产生一种称为数字化医疗的新型现代化医疗方式。
- They use the words privatize, liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses. 他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。
- So the use of abstract data types as the source of our modules gives us a practical, unambiguous guideline for applying information hiding in our designs. 因此,把抽象数据类型用于我们的模块的来源,对于在我们的设计中应用信息隐藏给出了一个实用的,明确的指导方针。
- The article explores and illustrates an approach to applying information technologies to leverage scarce expertise without codifying or transferring knowledge. 本文探讨和说明了一个运用信息技术来发挥稀有的专门知识的杠杆作用而无需编写成册或转移知识的一种方法。
- The key to apply information in agriculture is the talent of agricultural information. 农业信息化的关键在于应用,而应用的关键在于人才。
- We emphasized once again,we will take an effort to apply information that you need. 我们借此机会再次强调,定会尽力随时提供贵方所需的信息。
- Apply information retention, protection, and auditing policies to business records to help ensure these records are appropriately retained. 将信息保留、保护和审核策略应用到业务记录以帮助确保这些记录正确保留。
- The SAS software is the largest integrated applied information system with the function of complete data access,data management,data analyst and data show. SAS系统是大型集成的应用信息系统,拥有完备的数据访问、数据管理、数据分析和数据呈现功能。
- He is applying to the Consul for a visa. 他正向领事申请签证。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- Clean off any corrosion before applying the paint. 先除去所有的锈迹再上油漆。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- The process of applying and rubbing in an ointment. 涂油使用以及用油膏擦的过程
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
- The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。
- I had to coax the information out of him. 我得用好话套出他掌握的情况。