- The beautiful tune of light music is also a most appreciated value. 轻音乐优美的旋律也是最富欣赏价值之一。
- Fireplace into the nature of the fuel wood stoves, coal and gas stoves, fireplace heating effect of a good, safe and high performance, and are highly appreciated value. 壁炉品种按燃料性质分为木炉、煤炉和气炉,壁炉具有采暖效果好、安全性能高等特点,并具有很高的欣赏价值。
- However, a collectible's appreciating value often outpaces inflation. 但是,收藏品的提升价值常常是超过通货膨胀率。
- What are emily chanthe permissible deductible items in computing the appreciation value? 计算增值额时,有哪些项目允许扣除?
- Lacquered art glass is endowed with graphics art and advanced science and technology, and distinct utility function with distinctness and appreciation value. 艺术玻璃承载着精湛的绘画艺术和先进的科学技术,具有鲜明的实用功能和欣赏价值。
- I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter. 恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。
- This tea table is to make a person so uncannily, what I do not want to give this to convey it with what word really is elegant with appreciate value. 这个茶几是如此令人惊异,我实在想不出该用什么话来表达它的精美和鉴赏价值。
- Art songs, as a glamorous pearl in music palace, not only match with opera and church music, but also have higher artistry and appreciation value. 摘要作为音乐殿堂一颗璀璨的明珠-艺术歌曲,不仅可以与歌剧或教堂音乐相媲美,而且具有较高的艺术性和欣赏价值。
- In Chu churchyard, Chime of Zenghouyi came up out of land in Shuizhou of Hubei province.They have high appreciating value and study value. 在楚境内,今天的湖北随州出土的曾侯乙编钟制作精美,稀世珍贵,具有很高的鉴赏价值及研究价值。
- At the end of the paper the author puts forward three suggestions as to how to further develop and utilize the plants of high appreciative value suitable for gardening. 同时,探讨了该区系植物在毛乌素周边城市生态建设与园林绿化建设中的应用形式,对今后进一步开发利用毛乌素沙区园林观赏植物提出三点建议。
- Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。
- An early reply will be appreciated. 如蒙早日示复,将甚表感谢。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Local property has appreciated (in value) since they built the motorway nearby. 自从附近修建了高速公路,本地的地产(价值)已经增值。
- Wang Ping: After the ball is changed to a bigger one,its speed becomes slower. The appreciative value is increased. It requires more strength. This is a big challenge to China's overlord position. 王平: 改大球以后,速度变慢了,提高了观赏性,力量要求大了,这对中国的霸主地位是一次极大的挑战。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。
- However, the flower size is not influenced, therefore, use of paclobutrazol is beneficial to improving appreciation value of the Chinese narcissus so as to enhance econmic value of the Chinese narcissus. 但花朵大小不受影响。 故使用多效唑有 利于提高水仙花的欣赏价值,从而提高了水仙的经济效益。
- Anything of lasting value will be appreciated. 他们还喜欢有持久价值的物品。
- All contribution, however small, will be greatly appreciated. 所有捐款,无论数目多么少,我们都深表感谢。