- After that she fined down her choice of words. 打那之后,她遣词造句更为准确了。
- He is cautious in his choice of words. 他措辞很谨慎。
- That wasn't a very happy choice of words. 那样的措辞并不十分恰当
- Her choice of words was exact to the nth degree. 她措辞极为准确。
- His choice of words created quite a furor. 他的措辞引起了相当大的轰动。
- The choice of words was most unfortunate. 这种措词真是糟糕透了。
- She fined down her choice of words. 她使自己的措词更加精确。
- He is quite inexact in his choice of words. 他用词很不确切。
- It was an unfortunate choice of words. 那是一种不恰当的措辞。
- It was an unhappy choice of words. 那是用词的不当。
- That wasn't the happiest choice of words. 那样的措辞并不是十分恰当。
- appropriate choice of words in business wiring plays a vital part in achieving the writer's anticipated effect. the diction you choose should therefore reflect your sincerityobjectivity; 在商业书信中恰当的选词是预期效果的关键。措辞直接反映了写信者的真诚态度和客观事实;
- appropriate choice of words in business wiring plays a vital part in achieving the writer's anticipated effect. the diction you choose should therefore reflect your sincerity and objectivity; 在商业书信中恰当的选词是获得预期效果的关键。措辞直接反映了写信者的真诚态度和客观事实;
- The author is of ten negligent in his choice of words. 那位作家封措词常不注意。
- The careful choice of words is a good practice of thinking. 文字的推敲是一种很好的思考练习。
- Children in the room, the appropriate choice of fabric and embellishment as layout, be a good approach. 在孩子的房间中,适当地选择布艺作为布置和点缀,不失为一种好方法。
- His unhappy choice of words hurtmany people's feelings. 他那不当的措词伤害了许多人的感情。
- Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader. 用词不当道致读者理解不清。
- His unhappy choice of words hurt many people's feelings. 他那不当的措词伤害了许多人的感情。
- To facilitate favourable enterprise value arbitrage services to help enterprises in the procurement of delivery, value, lock profits, and make arrangements for the production of the most appropriate choice of complete enterprise established goals profits. 同时为保值套利的企业提供便利优厚的服务,帮助企业在采购交割、值、定利润、排生产等方面做出最适当的抉择,完成企业既定的目标利润。