- approximate function formula 近似函数式
- Based on the experimental data, some performance parameters of sensor are evaluated, and the function formula between wetness and frequency difference is matched. 根据测量数据,对传感器的部分性能指标进行了评估,得出了湿度与频差间的函数关系。
- Element free Galerkin method (EFG) is hard to handle nature boundary condition and the discontinuous medium boundary condition because of its special approximate function. 无网格伽辽金法(EFG)由于其近似函数的特殊性很难处理本质边界条件以及不连续介质边界条件。
- Based on Min Qian power function formula of flood grade, one method for classifying flood grades by standardized value of flood peak discharge or flood peak stage is put forward in this paper. 在闵骞幂函数洪水等级公式基础上,提出了利用洪峰流量或洪峰水位的标准化值进行洪水等级划分,并对嘉陵江北碚站洪水等级进行了划分。
- Meshless method is an efficient new-style numerical method.The extenshe studs of the theory and applications of meshless method was done because of the approximate function without any mesh. 摘要无网格法作为一种新型的数值方法,因其近似函数不依赖于网格而受到广泛关注。
- Compared with oversea BACON system, the FDD System expands forms of functional formula express. FDD系统比国外BACON系统,在公式表示上扩充为函数型公式.
- Query evaluation improvement and approximate functional dependencies (AFD) are two important research topics in data query and management. 摘要查询评估和近似函数依赖是数据查询和管理中非常重要的两个研究方向。
- On the Mean Value of an Arithmetical Function Formula 一个数论函数的均值公式
- This is just an approximate figure. 这仅仅是个近似值。
- The weight function formulas are worked out and can be used for all kinds of depth of crack,materials,assemblage excess,size of combined thick wall cylinder to compute the stress intensity factors. 本文用权函数法导出了由套装应力引起的组合厚壁筒内边裂纹的应力强度因子公式,这些公式可用于计算组合厚壁筒在不同裂纹深度、材料、过盈量和尺寸情况下的应力强度因子。
- The approximate number of boys in the school is300. 这所学校男生数约为三百名。
- The cost will approximate two million dollars. 该项费用差不多达两百万元。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- In the finite element method, one of the restrictions on the approximating functions is relaxed. 在有限单元方法中,放开了定近似函数的限制。
- Approximate Function Based Mathematical Modeling in Material Corrosion 近似函数用于材料腐蚀的数学建模
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- This paper presents a simpler formula for calculating the approximate value of Laplace function with an error not more than 0.000064. 本文给出一个比较简单的公式;用以计算拉普拉斯函数的近似值;计算误差不超过0.;000064。
- It is difficult to settle essential boundary conditions in meshless method because the meshless approximation functions are not built by interpolation schemes. 摘要无网格法中的近似函数大都不是插值函数,在处理本质边界条件时较为困难。
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?