- Displays the estimated cost of a query. 显示查询的估计开销。
- What are its specs,estimated cost,and testing? 产品的规格预估成本及测试为何?
- The estimated cost of all CPU activity for the operation. 用于执行操作的所有CPU活动的估计开销。
- The spokesman said the estimated cost was 5.5 billion dirhams. 所谓“迪拜园”,指的是当地临近波斯湾岸边的一大片沙漠地带。
- Average final estimated cost for an optimized plan in internal cost units. 优化计划的最终平均估计开销,以内部开销单位为单位。
- Therefore, the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account. 因此煤的预计成本借记到存货账户。
- IV. To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost. 四、议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。
- The council decided in December 1992 to set up the Hong Kong Film Archive at an estimated cost of $198 million. 一九九二年十二月,当时的市政局决定成立香港电影资料馆,预算费用为1.;98亿元。
- The below estimated costs are for the 2007-2008 academic year. 以下估计所须费用是2007-2008学年度的。
- Supplementary information on the estimated cost of the adoption of these new standards is provided in Annex IV. 关于采用此项新标准所需费用概算的补充信息见附件四。
- The estimated cost we present here is just for your reference, not the final guarantee. 我们在这里所提供之费用预估,仅供参考,并不能保证。
- Conclusion We can approximately estimate the diagnosis and prognosis in the different kind of male infertile by the value of FSH、LH、T、PRL. 结论测定男性不育症患者的FSH、LH、PRL、T水平,可以推测其病因及预后。
- Pop the node off the Open list that has the lowest estimated cost to the destination. 从Open表中弹出到达目标点具有最小预计代价的节点。
- The estimated cost of the ISS then was around $18bn, with full operation expected in 2003. 国际太空站的估计花费大约是180亿,是预计在2003年完全运转。
- Bentsen said we could save $3 billion by dropping the estimated cost of welfare reform from the budget. 本特森说,我们可以把福利改革的预计成本不纳入在财政预算中,这样可以省下30亿美元。
- If you specify a nonzero, nonnegative value, the query governor disallows execution of any query that has an estimated cost exceeding that value. 如果为该选项指定一个非零、非负的数值,则查询调控器将不允许执行估计开销超过该值的查询。
- Harvey: Here are the estimated costs, F.O.B in US dollars, per container. 哈维:这是以美元计算的每个集装箱的离岸价格。
- I need a list of boarding schools and their estimated costs for a year. 我要一张寄宿学校的名单及各自一年的费用。
- Use historical data to estimate costs. 使用历史数据估计成本。
- The final estimated cost of building the Road (in labor, materiel, supplies, equipment, fuel, and repairs) was $148,910,000. 最终估计的筑路成本(劳力、材料、补给品、设备、油料和修理)为1.;4891亿美元。