- aquatic insect ecology 水生昆虫生态学
- Damselfly - an important stillwater aquatic insect most commonly imitated in the nymphal form,usually hatches in early to mid-summer. Adult looks like a dragonfly, but folds its wings along its back when at rest一种非常重要的水生昆虫(生活于静水),我们会模仿这种昆虫的幼虫阶段。通常在初夏以后到仲夏之间孵化,成虫象dragonfly,休息的时候翅膀叠于背部。
- The standing crop of mollusk in subarea of Guozheng Lake, both aquatic oligochaete and aquatic insect in subarea of Shuiguo Lake was maximal. 软体动物现存量以郭郑湖最高,水栖寡毛类与水生昆虫均以水果湖最高。
- High number of taxa and abundances at the three upstream sites contributing to variances in the aquatic insect assemblages were perceived on the CCA ordination diagrams. 高物种数及丰度增大了上游样站中水栖昆虫群聚的变异,而反应于CCA的排序图中。
- The proportion that the mollusk density went down was 59.6% from 1980 to 2003, and the proportion that the aquatic insect density went down was 95.9% from 1981 to 2003. 软体动物较 1980 年下降了 59.;6%25,水生昆虫较 1981 年下降了 95
- Adult - the winged stage of aquatic insects; reproductive stage. 成虫:水生昆虫的羽化阶段、生殖期。
- In total, 4 families 7 genera of zoobenthos were observed, of which, 1 family 1 genus was mollusca, 1 family 2 genera were annelidan, 1 family 3 genera were aquatic insect, 1 family 1 genus was crustacean. 共观察到4科7属底栖动物,其中:软体动物为1科1属,环节动物为1科2属,水生昆虫为1科3属,甲壳动物为1科1属;
- Environmental Entomology and Insect Ecology 环境昆虫学与昆虫生态学
- Insect Ecology and Forecasting Technique 昆虫生态及预测预报
- Insect Ecology and Pest Forecast 害虫生态与预报
- Niche concept and its application in insect ecology 生态位概念及其在昆虫生态学中的应用
- Newt is a good experimental animal and watch the animals, can also feed on rice fields of aquatic insects. 蝾螈是较好的实验动物和观赏动物,也能捕食水稻田中的水生昆虫。
- The mayfly nymphs, one of the most principal members of aquatic insects, play an important role in food chain and in water quality monitoring. 但如果把卵特征应用于探讨系统发育关系或进行分类时需十分谨慎。
- The Southern Myotis (Myotis macropus) or fishing bat specialises in aquatic foods, including aquatic insects and even small fish. 食鱼蝙蝠专门进行水上捕食,捕捉水栖昆虫,甚至小鱼。
- Application of Modern Biological Technique in Insect Ecology 现代生物技术在昆虫生态学中的应用
- Impressionistic flies are usually most effective in medium to fast water, in streams with sparser populations of aquatic insects. 在在一些有大量水生昆虫的溪流中中速和急流中使用。
- Applications of stable isotope analysis in insect ecology 稳定同位素分析在昆虫生态研究中的应用
- Feeds primarily on prawns but will take small fishes and aquatic insects (Ref. 6868).Spawns in rivers before the rainy season (Ref. 12693).Migrates in schools. 主要吃虾但是将吃小鱼与水生昆虫.;(参考文献 6868) 在河中产卵在雨季之前
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- Review the Past and Look Forward to the Future of Insect Ecology in China 我国昆虫生态学的研究与展望