- aquula auditiva externa 外淋巴
- aquula auditiva interna [医] 内淋巴
- Examination of each participant's thesis wi invove a viva voce and an externa assessor with expertise in the subject or topic area of the thesis. 对于每个学员的论文的评估包括一个口头的答辩;答辩现场将有一位相应论文论题领域的专家作为外来评估员进行考核.
- The result showed that the esophagus of the experiment group is obviously thicker,especially the muscularis externa and adventitia. 采用石蜡切片法,制作食管的石蜡切片。
- The prevalence of the ear diseases was auricle malformation (0.3%) , wax (1.4%), otitis externa(0.1%), fungi(0.5%), serous otitis media (1.1%), chronic suppurative otitis media(1.0%),dry perforation of tympanic membrance(1.3%). 耳疾的患病率为:外耳畸形0.;3%25,耵聍1
- The length from the part of venae jugularis externa up 2.0 cm above collarbone to the middle part of venae cava superior is 13 .8+ 2.9cm on the left side and 11.5+ 1.8cm on the right side. 颈外静脉距锁骨上方2.;0cm处至上腔静脉中段之间长度;左侧13
- Two silastic catheters for injecting ho and taking blood samples were put respectively in a vena jugularis externa and in a jejunal artery which perfused a 10 ~ 15 cm intestinal segment. 在颈外静脉和支配10-15cm肠段的空肠动脉内分别放置一硅胶管以备灌流药物和取血样品用。 本研究观察了静脉和动脉注射药物对小肠MMC的影响及MMC不同时相血浆5-羟色胺(5-HT)和胃动素的浓度变化。
- With analyzing the problems existing in shafts of our country,a kind of round externa combustion pellet roasting shaft is envisaged and its structural characteristics and merits are introduced. 分析了我国目前竖炉存在的问题,提出了外燃式圆形球团矿焙烧竖炉的设想,并对其结构特征和优点进行了介绍。
- Radiation therapy for malignant head and neck tumors often involve the region of ear.The complications may cover a spectrum form otitis externa to osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone. 摘要针对头颈部性肿瘤患者所施行的放射治疗,其照射范围经常会涵盖耳部位,所引发的并发症包括外耳炎到严重的颞骨骨质放射性坏死。
- pars auditiva labyrinthi membranacei 膜迷路听部
- lamina granularis externa corticis cerebri 大脑皮层外颗粒层
- lamina pyramidalis externa corticis cerebri 大脑皮层外锥体层
- laminae medullares thalami interna and externa 丘脑内侧和外侧髓板
- plica membranae tympani externa anterior 鼓膜前外臂
- plica membranae tympani externa posterior 鼓膜后外襞
- apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli 前庭水管外口
- protuberantia occipitalis externa [医] 枕外隆凸
- Tunica externa of theca folliculi 卵泡膜外膜
- capsula externa nuclei lentiformis 豆状核外囊, 外囊
- Otitis externa due to Herpes zoster 带状疱疹致外耳炎