- No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. 任何人不得加以任何逮捕、拘禁或放逐。
- The litmus test of a liberal regime must surely be the freedom of the individual from arbitrary arrest and punishment. 个人不会受到随意逮捕或惩罚,这无疑是检验自由政权的试金石。
- Arbitrary arrests, torture and forced labour soon became commonplace across the continent. 随意的逮捕、拷问和强迫劳动在全欧洲司空见惯。
- The operation resulted in curfews, roadblocks, arbitrary arrests, and limited civilian air transport. 反恐行动导致了禁宵令的实施、路障、任意逮捕和限制平民航空的局势。
- Tash meets victims of arbitrary arrests, detention, torture and "disappearances" and uncovers evidence of enforced sterilisations on ethnic Tibetan women. 塔什与曾经被随意逮捕、羁押、拷问与“失踪”的藏人见面,并且发现藏人妇女被强迫计划生育的证据。
- Arbitrary arrest put an end to indiscriminate killing, and let us live in the same animals under a blue sky. 杜绝乱捕乱杀,让我们和动物生活在同一片蓝天下。
- In addition, a draconian national security law giving the government sweeping powers of arbitrary arrest and detention has not been repealed. 另外,那部规定政府有着广泛的随意逮捕和扣押任何人的权力的严厉的国家安全法并没有被废除。
- Human Rights Watch, a monitoring and lobbying group, this week reported that there were thousands of arbitrary arrests after last year’s unrest and that hundreds of detainees remain unaccounted for. 去年在西藏首府爆发的恶性骚乱,矛头是针对汉人和他们所象征的商业统治。
- Indeed, the debate over the right to be free from arbitrary arrest and to have charges spelled out when people are arrested has heated up since 9/11 . 的确,9/11以来,有关从专断逮捕中获释的权利和被捕时要求说明理由的权利的争论又热烈起来。
- The constable stop the car and arrest the driver. 警官使车停住并将司机扣留。
- His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest. 他接受贿赂,终被逮捕。
- She married an artist with an arbitrary character. 她嫁给一个性格反覆无常的艺术家。
- The police made several arrests. 警察逮捕了好几个人。
- You shouldn't arrest him without warrant. 你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。
- Ad Hoc Committee on the Right of Everyone to be Free from Arbitrary Arrest, Detention and Exile 人人不受任意逮捕、拘留和放逐的权利特设委员
- He was reported under house arrest. 据报导,他给软禁起来了。
- Most presidents in this African country are arbitrary rulers. 这个非洲国家的总统大多数是专横的统治者。
- Ad Hoc Committee on the Right of Everyone to be Free from Arbitrary Arrest, Detention and Exile; 人人不受任意逮捕、拘留和放逐的权利特设委员会;
- The riot led to the arrest of three young men. 暴乱导致3 个年轻人被捕。
- In a few short years he had broken the power of the Mafia, simply by arbitrarily arresting anyone even suspected of being a mafioso. 只用短短的几年工夫,他就打破了家族地下势力,采取的办法也很简单,不分青红皂白,要抓谁就抓谁,即使是家族地下势力成员嫌疑分子也照抓不误。