- Annual mean dry weight and volume production in arbor layer were 1.397t/ha. 林分乔木层干物质和材积年平均净生产量为1.;397t/ha
- Arbor layer is principal part of community biomass; it is 91% in brush forest and 99% in sedge forest. 乔木层生物量构成了群落生物量的主体,其中灌木落叶松林的乔木层生物量占到总生物量的91%25左右,而苔草落叶松林占到99%25左右。
- The above-ground biomass of arbor layer amounted to 54.826 t/ha, and mean annual production amounted to 10.229t/ha. 9年生萌生林乔木层地上部分生物量为54.;826t/ha;年平均净生产量为10
- The community has an outstanding dominant species and the arborous layer possesses a comparatively high diversity index. 群落的优势种显著,乔木层的物种多样性指数较高,各样地间的植物种类具有一定的相似性。
- It showed that the biomass of arbor layer and shrub-herbaceous layer from the interblending trees was lower than single-species wood respectively. 结果表明:混交林中乔木层生物量小于侧柏纯林和油松纯林的生物量;
- Standing crop of 18-year-old Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Wei-bei region was 7l. 410t/ha, in which the biomass of arbor layer amounted to 67.124 t/ha. 渭北地区18年生油松林生物量为71.;410t/ha;其中乔木层生物量为67
- The dominant species in arbor layer are Castanopsis eyrei, Schima superba, Castanopsis fissa, Castanopsis hystrix, Choerospondias axillaries, and Castanopsis lamontii. 植被优势种主要为甜椎、木荷、黛蒴、红椎、酸枣和青栲等。
- The vertical structure of Heptacodium miconioides is rather complicated.It can be divided into arborous layer,shrub layer,herbaceous layer and interstratum plants which are numerous in quantity. 七子花群落垂直结构较复杂,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,亦有数量较多的层间植物。
- The community has an outstanding dominant species and the arborous layer possesses a comparatively high diversity index.The similarity is rather striking among different quadrats species. 在浙江省天台山主峰华顶山北侧的狮子岩坑处,沿山沟两侧呈带状分布的有一片以七子花为优势的群落,实为罕见。
- The average biomass of these stands amounts to 41.456 t/ha,in which the biomass of arbor layer litterfall and undergrowth were 32.799, 7.247 and 1.41Qt/ha or 79.1,17.5 and 3.4% of the total stands, respectively . 其中乔木层、林下植物层和枯枝落叶层的生物量分别是32.;799、1
- The biomasses of arbor layer account for 95.6%, 97.35%, 97.62%, 96.53%, 98.28% and 98.78% of their total community biomass. These results showedan increasing trend of biomass according to different stand ages. 乔木层生物量占群落总生物量的比例从10龄至65龄林间呈不断增加的趋势,分别为95.;6%25,97
- Results have shown that surface flammable substances in Yunnan pine forest totals 95. 043T/ha, of which arbor layer makes up 77. 414 T/ha, shrub layer 4. 165 T/ha, herb layer 0. 104 T/ha, and litter layer 12. 86 T/ha. 研究结果表明:云南松林地上部分可燃物总量为95.;043t/ha;其中乔木层77
- The results indicate that there are obvious two parts of population structure, one is Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings from age stage 2 to age stage 10 in shrub layer, the other is Robinia pseudoacacia arbor from age stage 17 to age stage 26 in arbor layer. 研究结果显示,刺槐的种群结构明显的分为两个部分,即构成林下灌木层的刺槐幼苗(龄级:2-10)和构成乔木层的刺槐(龄级:17-26);
- Per ha forest has a leaf area of 144563 m~2,with a leaf area index of 14. 5 m~2/m~2. At the same time,this paper also make a discussion on the diameter-class distribution structure and vertical structure of the yield of the arbor layer. 每公顷叶面积144563m~2;叶面积指数为14.;5m~2/m~2。 同时还讨论了林分乔木层产量的径级分布结构和垂直结构。
- C. gigantea is a uni-predominant species in the arbor layer, microphyll and simple leaf hemicryptophytes are dominated in the shrub and grass layers. 巨柏是乔木层的单优势种,灌木层和草本层以全缘草质小型单叶地面芽植物为主。
- Along the gap developmental series of 10, 20, 30 and 40 yearn, the dominant species in the arbor layer were Diospyros dumetorum, Pistacia chinesis, Handeliodendron bodinieri and Carpinus pubescens. 结果表明:在发育时间为10、20、30和40年的序列上,林隙中乔木层优势度最大的物种分别是小叶柿、黄连木、掌叶木和云贵鹅耳枥;
- In the arbor layer, the distributions of associated trees species were larger than those of individual dominant species and the distributions of the populations were crisscrossed and overlapped. 乔木层的联合格局比单个优势种群格局大,种群格局是相互交错和相互重叠的。
- Adopting the concept of space as a substitute for time, the communities were investigated and divided into 4 restoring types with the IV indexes of arbor layers. 以空间代替时间方法进行典型样地调查,根据乔木种的重要值,将木荷马尾松林划分为4个恢复类型并分析了不同恢复类型的群落结构特征;
- They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea. 他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。