- Weld torch orientation is characterized with traveling angle, working angle and rotating angle. Path planning of arc welding robot includes below two. 弧焊机器人工作路径规划包括两方面的内容:一是以焊缝转角和焊缝倾角为描述参数,规划焊缝使之处于平焊或船形焊或小角度的下坡焊位置;
- Utilized this method to segmentalize the image of oil derrick arc welding robot welding line gets up the good effect. 将该方法运用于石油井架弧焊机器人焊缝图象的识别中起到很好的效果。
- The meanings of four parameters were amended,so that they are more compatible to the real nedas of arc welding robot,and easier to understand. 对这四个焊接位姿参数的内涵进一步完善和修改,使其更适合于弧焊机器人焊接的实际需要,更通俗易懂。
- This paper implements a real-time NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) path interpolator for a six-axis arc welding robot. 阐述了NURBS路径插补器的末端速度控制原理,对常见的机器人末端运动速度为梯形分布时的情况进行了讨论。
- A remote arc welding robot system has been built,consisting of a six DOF mastermaniplator,a helmeted stereo TV monitor system, a computer control system and a PUMArobot. 研制了一个六自由度主动操纵手、立体电视监视系统和计算机控制系统,与PUMA机器人组成主从式遥控弧焊机器人系统。
- The trackless autonomous crawling all-position arc welding robot is a machine with wheels and permanent magnet caterpillar belts which can crawl with all position in large scale. 无轨导全位置爬行式弧焊机器人是国内外首次研制出的,能够在大范围内全位置爬行的轮履复合式爬行机构,主要应用于大型结构的焊接,如舰船、车辆;
- In there years, with the development of welding automation and arc welding robot, the amount of gas shielded wire are over a half of total amount of welding material. 近年来,随着焊接自动化和弧焊机器人的发展,国际上气保护焊丝的用量已超过焊材总用量的一半,在焊材中居主导地位。
- The noise and zero drift in high accuracy position servocontrol of the digitally controlled positioner of arc welding robot are investigated, their origination and type being analyzed. 对弧焊机器人用数控变位机的高精度位置伺服控制中的干扰及零漂问题进行了研究,分析了干扰和零漂的来源及种类。
- Provided to the arc welding robot visual system deal with these data, we can improve the accuracy of arc welding robot, automatic correction of the welding system to provide reliable data. 提供给弧焊机器人的视觉处理系统的这些数据,可以提高弧焊机器人的焊接精度,实现自纠偏,并对焊接系统提供可靠的数据。
- Demoustration program on arc welding robot 弧焊机器人的示教调整
- Whole Position Arc Welding Robot Based on PC 基于PC的全位置弧焊机器人系统
- The Control System of a Small Arc Welding Robot 小型自动弧焊机的研制
- Crawl type all position arc welding robot 爬行式全位置弧焊机器人
- Study on arc welding robot visual control 弧焊机器人的视觉控制
- Domestic special control software of pipe arc welding robot 管道弧焊机器人国产化专用测控软件
- Tool Control Frame Calibration for Arc Welding Robot 弧焊机器人工具参数标定
- Design of Task-level OLP System for Arc Welding Robot 弧焊机器人任务级离线编程系统的设计
- Pronunciation reappearance technology in remote arc welding robot 遥控弧焊机器人语音再现技术研究
- Study on Torch Pose Planning System for Arc Welding Robot 弧焊机器人焊炬姿态规划系统的研究