- Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges. 在系干拱桥的横梁腹板上发生裂纹。
- Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches. 在密西西比河的下游许多拱形铁侨横跨河面。
- The arch bridge across the Maas River , Rotterdam . 跨马斯河的下承式拱桥,鹿特丹。
- The construction method of non-bracket cable-stayed is often used in the long-span CFST arch bridges. 在钢管混凝土拱桥施工中,无支架缆索吊装斜拉扣挂法施工目前使用最多。
- In this paper,lightweight light-expansion concrete is applied to the strengthening of arch bridges. 将自行研究配制的轻质微膨胀混凝土应用于拱肋的加固。
- This article describes the application of bonding steel plate to strengthening of double-curved arch bridges,i. 以邳州市境内土山桥为例,介绍粘钢法在双曲拱桥加固中的应用。
- Raw support cable hoisting method is adopted for the construction of most CFST arch bridges, which is developed into jack cable inclined pulling and buckling method later. 大部分钢管混凝土拱桥的施工采用无支架缆索吊装法,后来又发展到千斤顶钢绞线斜拉扣挂法。
- CHENG Jin,JIANG Jianjing,XIAO Rucheng,et al.Parametric study of ultimate capacity of long-span arch bridges[J].China Journal of Highway and Transport,2003,16(2):45-47. [5]程进;江见鲸;肖汝诚;等.;大跨径拱桥极限承载力的参数研究[J]
- Small Gap leisure resorts, for a small river gorge context huaxi, flower diameter connected; arch bridges exchange; promenadexiang yao waterside; Portal, Shadow of hope to avoid. 小峡休闲度假区,以小峡河为脉络、花溪、花径相连;拱桥、曲桥互通;长廊、水榭相邀;洞门、影避对望。
- The earliest European segmental arch bridge was built at Florence in 1345. 欧洲最早的拱桥是1345年在佛罗伦萨建成的。
- Who designed the arch bridge with granite-faced pylons at either end? 谁设计在拱桥两端镶有花岗岩的塔门?
- The double-curved arch bridge is a bridge type for medium and small span. 钢筋混凝土双曲拱桥是中小跨径常用的拱桥形式。
- This hinge can be reference to other bridge, especially arch bridge. 可作为其他桥梁特别是拱桥的关键连接部位设计的参考。
- Concrete rigid frame arch bridge is a kind of very useful medium span bridge. 混凝土刚架拱桥是一种非常实用的中等跨径桥梁结构形式。
- By several spacial finite element models, the paper presents simulate modeling and analysis of the spacial effects of seismic resistance of long- span stgeel pipe concrete arch bridges, accordingly some useful conclusions and suggestions are obtained. 针对大跨径钢管混凝土拱桥的抗震现状,提出了通过建立多个空间有限元模型,可实际地模拟钢管混凝土拱桥在地震作用下的多种空间效应。
- Jade Belt Bridge, the only arch bridge and the most famous of the six bridges on the West Dyke, was given the name for its appearance. 玉带桥是西堤六桥中唯一一座拱桥,拱高且薄,下可行船,因其外形酷似玉带,故名。
- However for some reason, a lot of double-cruved arch bridges appeared the damage of the different degree after being used some period of time and need as to be assess, maintain or reinforce. 但是,由于各种原因,一部分双曲拱桥在使用一段时期后,出现了不同程度的损坏,急需对其承载力进行评定,从而进行养护维修和加固改造。
- This will make much great windage and must take into account all the effects synthetically and systemicly.This thesis contains these contents of the control of CFST arch bridges’ rib shape mainly: 1. 而钢管混凝土拱桥拱肋吊装实际施工过程中,其刚度远较斜拉桥为低,很容易出现较大的偏差,必须综合系统地考虑各种影响因素,并且有必要对整个拱肋吊装过程进行纠偏控制。
- A steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne,New Jersey. 新泽西州的Bayonne处有一座连接新泽西和Staten岛的钢拱桥。
- Its beautiful arched bridge gate is a sign of this bridge. 桥前一道美丽的拱形桥门,是跨海大桥的象徵。