- architectural project costs 建筑工程造价
- The project cost them a great deal of mon- ey. 这项工程花费了他们一大笔钱。
- Ability of the analyse of logistics supplier project cost. 具有进行物流供应项目成本分析能力。
- That project cost them too much in man-power, material and money. 那项工程耗费了他们大量的人力、物力和财力。
- Assist PM for improving reliability of project cost estimate. 负责项目的成本分析和成本控制.
- C. Sele ct “B”, which will bring benefits to project cost. 选“B”,它将项目成本带来利益。
- King of Israel famous for his wisdom and his architectural projects, including the Temple in Jerusalem. 所罗门以色列国王,因其智慧和建筑设计著称,后者包括位于耶路撒冷的圣殿
- Applicant is encouraged to bear part of the project cost. 委员会鼓励申请者负担计划的部分费用。
- Abstract: Designing is the hinge in the control of project cost. [提要] 设计是控制工程造价的关键。
- All over town, there are interesting but unused premises that are being converted into hotel rooms in conjunction with this urban development and architectural project. 所有镇,有感兴趣的,但使用的前提是,正在转化为酒店客房结合本城市发展和建筑项目。
- Support requested from the TI Program as percentage of total project cost. 需要技术进步项目支持的资金占项目总成本比例。
- Supervising the ERP system monthly closing and Project cost following up. 主管公司月底ERP系统结帐工作及项目成本的分析跟踪。
- Research the problem of the project cost management data mart establishment. 探讨了有关市政工程项目成本管理数据集市建设的问题。
- He produces architectural projects, for government offices and private clients, in Italy and, above all, abroad. 他生产的建筑项目,为政府部门和私人客户,在意大利,尤其是在国外。
- B. Add tasks to improve the outcome and increase the actual project cost. 对结果进行改善,这样增加的任务就会使实际项目成本提高上来。
- Develop knowledge base on Alcan Composites global architectural projects, systems and solutions. 根据加铝复合产品在全球建筑项目、系统和各类解决方案中的应用,提高技术知识。
- He/She will be responsible for the schematic and detail design of architectural projects. 他/她将负责项目的概念图和详细建筑图的设计。
- The cost engineer is the fresh combatant of Chinese project cost management. 造价工程师是我国造价工程管理工作的生力军。
- Good understanding of costing, prefer project costing experience. 良好的成本理解力,有项目成本经验优先。
- Architecture for a Community is an architectural project intent on inspiring a sense of community in my hometown, Montpelier, Ohio. 中文摘要 政府推动社区营造政策距今近十馀年,民众参与、公民社会意识的建立已逐 渐受到重视。