- archive manual page 档案库人工页面
- See also the manual page on variable scope. 请参阅手册中的变量范围一节。
- Manual page break settings are saved with your project file. 手动分页符设置与项目文件保存在一起。
- See the manual page on each function for details on how they work. 需要了解函数工作的细节,请参阅手册中和该函数相关的页面。
- I inserted a manual page break, but the new page doesn't print. 插入了一个手动分页符,但是新的页面却无法打印。
- Finally, there is the option to set up xdm; read its manual page for details. 最后,可以有些选项设置xdm;请阅读它的手册页面获取详细信息。
- Manual page breaks are marked with a dotted line for easy identification. 手动分页符用虚线进行标记,以便于标识。
- Format and not mentioned in the standard man pages. The manual page for. 格式存储的,而且也没有在标准手册页中提及。
- If you inadvertently format a manual page break (page break: The point at which one page ends and another begins. 如果您不经意的将一个手动分页符(分页符:上一页结束以及下一页开始的位置。
- It does not contain all the details that can be found in Henry Spencer's regex(7) manual page. 本附录未包含可在Henry Spencer的regex(7)手册页面中发现的所有细节。
- Read the manual page on predefined variables as it includes a partial list of predefined variables available to your script. 请阅读手册中的预定义变量一章,该部分的文档已经包含了一部分可以用于你的脚本的预定义变量的列表。
- Returns an array with the statistics of the file; the format of the array is described in detail on the stat() manual page. 返回一个数组具有该文件的统计信息,该数组的格式详细说明于手册中stat()页面里。
- If you are unsure how to use functions, you will want to read both the manual page on how to read a function definition and the section about PHP functions. 如果您对如何使用函数不是很确定,您可以阅读手册中有关“如何阅读函数定义”和“PHP函数”的有关函数。
- This mechanism is different from virtual alias domains. Those are implemented by translating every recipient address into a different address. For that, see the virtual(5) manual page. 虚拟投递代理的机制不同于虚拟别名域。后者实现多域的方法是通过将每个接收者的地址转化为另一个不同地址。关于虚拟别名域的细节,请参考virtual(5)手册。
- Translations exist for many of the text messages and documents that are displayed in the Debian system, such as error messages, standard program output, menus, and manual pages. 许多在Debian系统中显示的文本信息和文档被翻译成了各种译本,如出错信息、标准程序输出、菜单以及帮助页面。
- FreeBSD documentation is a great exception to this rule because it does not pay much attention to old-style manual pages or copy the style or organization of UNIX documentation. FreeBSD文档是此规则的例外,因为它不太关注旧式的手册页、UNIX文档样式或组织的副本。
- To see any past APOD, access the archive page. 要想看任何一张过去的APOD图,进入存档页。
- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- The printer can set this additional page in here. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。