- We must persevere in the arduous work. 我们一定要坚持这项艰苦的工作。
- We must persevere at the arduous work. 我们一定要坚持这项艰苦的工作。
- We must persevere with the arduous work. 我们一定要坚持这项艰苦的工作。
- We must have patience in doing arduous work. 我们做艰苦的工作要有耐性。
- To probe cosmic mystery, the scientist gave arduous work. 为了探索宇宙的奥秘,科学家付出了辛勤的劳动。
- The new machine relieves the workers from the arduous work that they had to deal with before. 这种新机器将使工人从过去所不得不从事的一切繁重的劳动中解脱出来。
- Worker of broad Chinese food store and deposit expert gave arduous work, made enormous contribution. 广大的中国粮食储藏工作者和储藏专家付出了辛勤的劳动,做出了巨大的贡献。
- Editing test questions and typesetting examination papers is always an arduous work, which is tedious and easy to make mistake. 编写试题、排版试卷一直以来都是一项繁重的工作。
- Forces the people to appoint the new management to manage the books, how extricates the librarian from the arduous work? 迫使人们起用新的管理方法来管理图书,如何把图书管理员从繁重的工作中解脱出来呢?
- With no financial need to engage in arduous work, they seem nevertheless to have yielded to the pressure of a New England atmosphere that compelled industry. 他们家道富裕,无须勤苦工作,可是他们好象抵抗不住新英格兰迫人勤劳的气氛。
- By practicing the Quan Yin Method, sister Li feels that an inner power is constantly supporting her, giving her greater love and patience to carry on with her arduous work. 藉由修行观音法门,李师姊发现自己内边总是有一股力量支撑着她,让她能有更大的爱心和耐心,来从事这份艰巨的教职工作。
- Semblance delicate she does stages a rebellion neatly, even if the arduous work cannot let her blame god and man, the anxious look over the face, because will such do will only expose own incompetent. 外表纤弱的她做起事来干净利落,即使再繁重的活儿也不能让她怨天尤人、愁容满面,因为那样做只会暴露自己的无能。
- It was hard will, steel resolve, arduous working, persistency, austerity and good habits that helped them on their way to success. 他们依靠的是自己坚定的意志、决心、努力、执著、节俭,以及良好的习惯,才获得成功的。
- The arduous working pressure. the diet structure and the life style change are all major causes attribute to chronic illness.How can be the health? 繁重的工作压力、饮食结构和生活方式的改变都是导致慢性病的重要因素,人类的健康问题刻不容缓。
- Short of the idea of self-reliance, it's impossible to work arduously; without arduous work, it's impossible to persist in self-reliance. 要是靠救济衣服,早穿破了;要是靠救济粮食,早吃完了。物质支援有用完的时候,精神支援却是用不完的。自力更生是永远穿不破、吃不完的最宝贵的财富
- the arduous work of preparing a dictionary. 编写词典的费劲工作。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- The Role of Arduous Work in the Development of Enterprise 论艰苦奋斗精神在企业发展中的作用