- Het bedrijf brengt een nieuw topcertificaat uit voor netwerktechnici. 一旦被允许参加培训课程,认证程序可在数周内完成。
- Victor: Zag het maar hoor:oud of nieuw,rond,recht,smal,breed,hoog,laag,een plat dak,een schuin dak. 现在你明确的告诉我:你是想买旧的还是新的,园的还是直的,窄的还是宽的,高的还是低的,屋顶是平的还是倾斜,
- Nieuw van de makers van Kleurplaten.nl: Knutselpagina.nl.Op Knutselpagina.nl staan heel ... kakak ku o5.htm gambar cewek bugil polos fame little girls 小便美女 A4U 派翠西亚 xiao ...
- The Dutch in Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York) viewed the English arrivistes with suspicion;the English mistrusted the Germans,who refused to hire the Irish,who discriminated against the Russians and Poles,who won't live next to the Vietnamese,and so on. 新阿姆斯特丹(现在的纽约)的荷兰人对后到的英国人持怀疑态度,英国人不相信德国人,德国人拒绝雇佣爱尔兰人,爱尔兰人瞧不起俄国人和波兰人,俄国人和波兰人不愿与越南人作邻居,等等。
- The Dutch in Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York) viewed the English arrivistes with suspicion;the English mistrusted the Germans, who refused to hire the Irish, who discriminated against the Russians and Poles, who won't live next to the Vietnamese,and so on. 新阿姆斯特丹(现在的纽约)的荷兰人对后到的英国人持怀疑态度,英国人不相信德国人,德国人拒绝雇佣爱尔兰人,爱尔兰人瞧不起俄国人和波兰人,俄国人和波兰人不愿与越南人作邻居,等等。
- csayumimi heeft een nieuw dorp gesticht 7. 小田田 夜慈 慈 好爱你喔!
- her feet abide not in her house: cerewet dan liat perempuan ini, kakinya tak dapat tenang di rumah, 这妇人喧嚷,任性不羁,在家里停不住脚-
- Pater, C.de: Was Augustine Mathematics-Hostile?, in: Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Vol.8, No.1, 1990, 43-45 这没数学家什么事;没必要扯进来.;就算你说的是对的;奥古斯丁的上下文批评的也是针对占星迷信活动;而不是数学教学研究
- January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December [Alle talen - Nieuw venster 一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月
- Aretan 甲氧乙氯汞
- Cerewet 硫酸甲汞杀菌剂