- Result: Somatostatin (SS), arginine vasopressin hormone (AVP) had a higher expression in the experimental group than those in the control group. 结果:服药组海马生长抑素(SS)、精氨酸加压素(AVP)在各部表达增强;
- arginine vasopressin hormone 精氨酸加压激素
- Arginine vasopressin(AVP) is a kind of introgenic nine peptide hormone,which was traditional applied in diabetes insipidus and rhexis bleeding caused by acute esophageal varix. 血管加压素(AVP)是一种内源性激素,传统用于治疗尿崩症和急性食道静脉曲张破裂出血。
- Century of Arginine Vasopressin Research Leading to New Therapeutic Strategies. 一个世纪的精氨酸加压素研究造就了新的治疗策略。
- Arginine vasopressin(AVP)and adrenocortlcotrophic hormone(ACTH) are the important hormones which can regulate the balance of water metabolism in vivo. 血管加压素(AVP)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)是体内调节水代谢平衡的重要激素。
- Objective: To assess the effect of arginine vasopressin( AVP) peptide on stressinduced hyperthermia. 目的:探讨精氨酸加压素(VP)否具有降低应激性体温过高的作用。
- Markwick A J,Lolait SJ,Funder JW.Immunoreactive arginine vasopressin in the rat thymus.Endocrinology,1986,119:1690. 李丕鹏;邓泽沛;王平.;蛇胸腺的神经内分泌细胞
- Recent date have show that arginine vasopressin could replace epinephrine for cardiac arrest. 近年来研究表明,血管加压素可用于心脏停搏以代替肾上腺素。
- Objective: To investigate the role of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in ischemic acute renal failure. 目的:探讨精氨酸加压素(AVP)在急性肾功能衰竭发病过程中的作用。
- Witiyathian S, Rosenfeld CR,Arant BS Jr,et al. Urinary arginine vasopressin:pattern of excretion in the neonatal period. Pediatr Res, 1986, 20:103-106. 中华儿科杂志2000年第8期第38卷临床经验交流作者:吴玲刘海樱单位:吴玲(210008南京市儿童医院新生儿科);刘海樱(210008南京市儿童医院新生儿科)...
- Objective To investigate the clinical characters of chronic hypodipsic hypernatremia with normal osmoregulation of arginine vasopressin (AVP). 目的探讨渴感减退而加压素调节正常的慢性高钠血症患者的临床特征。
- The febrile effect and changes of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and L-enkephalin(L-EK)content in different brain areas were observed during each phase of fever. 观察发热反应及发热不同时相、不同胞区精氨酸加压素(AVP)和亮氨酸脑啡肽(L-EK)含量的变化。
- Inability to suppress as well as to stimulate arginine vasopressin secretion and anesthetic and surgical stresses, were thought to be the possible causes of this event. 无法适当的抑制及刺激精氨酸增压素的分泌应是可能的原因。
- Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder in clinical experiences,whcih is often a consequence of arginine vasopressin oversecretion and edema diseases. 低钠血症是临床最常见的电解质紊乱,经常是精氨酸抗利尿激素分泌过多和水肿性疾病的结果,它能明显增加病死率,并使病程复杂化。
- Aim: To investigate the response of hypothalamic corticotropin releasing factor(CRF) and arginine vasopressin(AVP) of adrenalectomized neonatal rats to hypoxia. 目的:观察肾上腺摘除新生大鼠下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRF)和精氨酸加压素(AVP)神经元对急性低氧的应答。
- Objective:To study the effect of Tong Xin Luo Superfine(TXL)on experimental anginal model induced by Arginine Vasopressin in rats with endothelial dysfunction. 目的:建立络脉绌急大鼠模型及探讨通心络超微粉对其影响并初步探讨其作用机制。
- Objective:The experimental aim is to use rat pain model induced by formalin (F) to explore the analgesic pain effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and the center analgesia effect of AVP on acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). 目的 :利用大鼠福尔马林致痛模型 ,探索精氨酸加压素 (AVP)的镇痛作用以及其在乙酰水杨酸 (ASA)中枢镇痛中的作用。
- The effect of arginine vasopressin (AW) on the contents of cAMP and cGMP in the isolated right atria and ventricular muscle strips was observed at the concentration possessing negative inotropic effect on the cardiac muscle (0.8ng/ml). 本实验采用大鼠离体右心房、右心室肌条模型;研究了对离体心肌有负性变力作用浓度的加压素(0.;8ng/ml)对右心房、右心室肌条cAMP和cGMP含量的影响。
- To explore the pathogenesis of migraine, the levels of plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP), oxyto cin (OT), cAMP and cGMP were measured in 28 migraineurs, 10 patients with chronic tension-type headache and 16 normal controls by radioimmunoa ssay. 用放射免疫分析法测定了28例偏头痛、10例慢性紧张型头痛患者和16例健康对照组血浆精氨酸加压素(AVP)、催产素(OT)、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)及环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)含量。
- Objective To study the relationship between arginine vasopressin(AVP), atrial natriuretic factor(ANF) and left ventricular hypertrophy(LVH) in patients with essential hypertension(EH). 目的探讨精氨酸加压素(AVP)和心钠素(ANF)在高血压病左室肥厚(LVH)发生中的作用。