- argon gas distribution 氩气分布
- Check to confirm the argon gas flow is on and with ample flow. 检查氩气流量是否开启,并具有足够的流量。
- The case will be flooded with inert argon gas to prevent deterioration when it goes on public display December 13. 展箱中将充进惰性的氩气以防止地图在12月13日开始展出时变质。
- Deep zone reservoir type and oil gas distribution pattern in Bohai Gulf basin. 渤海湾盆地深层油气藏类型及油气分布规律
- These systems utilize lamps which are basically sealed quartz tubes containing the fill material and argon gas. 这些系统主要是利用填充物质和氩气的封口石英管。
- Along the wall opposite the Rotunda entrance is a set of bronzed titanium, marble, and glass display cases.The contents of these secure cases are preserved in argon gas. 沿着圆形大厅门口对面的墙壁,是一组用钛铜合金、大理石和玻璃制成的展陈柜,这些安全的展陈柜中的物品,保存在氩气中。
- China: Economic Regulation of Long Distance Gas Transmission and Urban Gas Distribution II. 中国:天然气长距离运输和城市配气的经济监管2。
- Main products are laboratory furniture, fume hood, ESD workstation, storage cabinet, high purity gas distribution, etc. 气路的设计和安装;为您精心打造安全的、科学的、绿色的实验室。
- The gas distribution system shall cover from the gas outlets on the benches or fume hoods to gas regulator manifolds at the cylinder area. 气体管路安装从气瓶站总阀门到工作台上各个气体阀门。
- The effects of argon gas on the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)In a methane Raman laser containing different ratloes of CH4 and Ar gas mixture have been Investigated. 本文研究了甲烷Raman激光频移器充以不同混合的CH_4与Ar气体时氩对受激布里渊散射的抑制作用和对受激喇曼散射一阶Stokes输出能量的影响。
- Denudation area does not reflect uplift structure and cannot determine oil and gas distribution. 因而,剥蚀区不是隆起构造的反映,也无控制油气分布的作用。
- The influence imposed by drainage lane to goaf gas distribution is much larger in goaf's top layer than in underlayer. 泄排巷对采空区瓦斯分布的影响上层比下层更大。
- Results show that the erosion of tungsten increases greatly if a little of oxygen is add in argon gas because tungsten on the surface of electrode reacts with oxygen to form tungsten oxide. 研究结果表明,有氧条件下钨电极的钨基体烧蚀大大增加,主要原因是在一定温度范围内发生了氧和钨的反应;
- The results show that degassing reaction is controlled by mass transfer in the liquid phase and the rate of degassing reaction increases with the flow rate of argon gas injected through the up-leg. 实验结果表明脱气过程是由液相传质控制 ,加大提升气体流量可以加速脱气反应进行 ,但不同气体流量范围内影响作用有所差异。
- Uses cerium-tungsten as electrode, argon gas as shield gas to perform the TIG welding, suitable for welding of alloy steel, stainless steel, copper, nickel and its alloy, titanium and its alloy etc. 氩弧焊采用铈钨作为电极、氩气保护,用于焊接各种合金钢、不锈钢、铜、镍及其合金、钛及钛合金等金属。
- It also states the relationship between deep surpressure and deep oil and gas distribution in the Paleogene of Qibei area. 论述歧北地区下第三系深层超压与深部油气分布的关系 ,认为深部油气的分布与异常超压带的分布密切相关。
- Main task of threecomponent seismic survey is to test gas distribution in Songliao Baisin, and predict lithologic reservoir. 松辽盆地北部三分量地震勘探的主要任务是检测天然气的分布范围,预测岩性油气藏。
- Studied its tectonic framework, distribution and feature, the studies of mud diapiric developing process, genesis, and gas distribution are discussed. 在对莺歌海盆地泥拱分布规律和结构特征研究的基础上,探讨了泥拱的形成机制、发育过程及其与油气分布的关系。
- Mahu-Penyijingxi multi-source petroleum systems are the most important geological unit of oil and gas distribution in the Junggar Basin. 摘要玛湖-盆1井西复合含油气系统是准噶尔盆地油气分布最集中的地质单元。
- Abstract: The offset crank link mechanism and gas distribution phase, improved at the first time in china, are summarily introduced. 文章摘要: 概要介绍了国内对单缸柴油机首次进行偏心曲柄连杆机构和配气相位更改的研制,以及高次方函数凸轮型线油泵的运用。