- argon generating plant 制氩设备
- Specifications for marine generating plant automat. 船舶电站自动化系统技术条件。
- In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。
- The public hearings on the coal-burning generating plant would begin. 火力发电厂的公众意见听取会将要开始了。
- Routine check and EHS audit in Generator Plant. 电机厂相关的EHS检查和审核。
- In a modern coal burning electric generating plant,the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽热到足以把木头点燃起来。
- In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignitewood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。
- Formalizing a General Plant for DevelopingHybrid Process System. 混合过程控制系统基于广义对象的形式化开发。
- Busbar is an important unit of power system and the reliability of busbar protection will directly affect the reliability of generating plant and substation. 母线是发电厂和变电站的重要组成部分,一般均装设母线保护,而母线保护工作的可靠性将直接影响发电厂和变电站工作的可靠性。
- The reason lies in the generating plant the condition-based maintenance start quite to be late, this and long ago implemented "reissues lightly for no matter used" the policy concerned. 原因在于供电设备的状态检修起步比较晚,这与早年实行“重发轻供不管用”的政策有关。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade. 前人栽树,后人乘凉。
- VDN, “REA generating plants connected to the high and extra-high voltage network”, August 2004. 配电技术手册(二),架空配电线路计计,台湾电力公司,民国八十五年八月。
- One generation plants the trees under whose shade another generation rests. 前人栽树后人乘凉。
- The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating pl ants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants. 福尼亚的麻烦真的就是没有足够的发电厂的结果,所以没有足够的电给发电厂供电。
- And yet, I believe people forget the hundreds of injuries and the massive pollution caused by oil-and coal-fueled electrical generating plants. 但是我想人们忘记了由用石油和煤作燃料的发电厂引起的成百上千种伤害和大量的污染。
- The troubles will get worse until the entire transmission system that moves power from generating plants to neighborhood substations is overhauled. 除非全面检修由发电厂输送电力到社区变电所的整个输配电系统,否则问题会越来越严重。
- The process state of primary brine and technological innovations in this system in Chongqing Tianyuan Chemical Industry General Plant are introduced. 介绍了重庆天原化工总厂一次盐水工艺状况及其系统的技术改造情况。
- The reliability and integration of the safety interlock system for gascifiers are the most important performance indexes in gas generating plants. 气化炉安全联锁系统的可靠性和完善性是煤气制备装置中最重要的性能指标之一。
- General plant biodiversity has an actual of potential commercial value because of the reliance of the pharmaceutical industry on botanical products. 由于药物工业对植物产品的依赖,所以植物多样性具有现实的、潜在的商业价值。