- argon laser coagulator 氩激光凝固器
- The early stage AMD may be effectively treated by argon laser. 对早期的AMD患者,采用激光治疗可取得较满意的疗效。
- Objective To evaluate the treatment effect of gingivoplasty with Argon laser. 目的评价氩离子激光龈成形术临床使用效果。
- The blue-green light of an argon laser reacts more efficiently with hemoglobin, so it cuts gums effectively and helps halt bleeding. 氩激光器发出的蓝绿色的光线对血红蛋白能够更有效地起作用,因此它可用以刺穿牙龈并有助于止血。
- A continuous wave titanium-doped sapphire laser pumped by argon laser is:' reported. 本文报导一种连续波氩离子激光泵浦的掺钛蓝宝石激光器。
- Argon laser induced auto-fluorescence spectra of normal tissue, benign adenoma and cancer of thyroid were investigated in vitro. 摘要用氩离子激光器作为激发光源,对甲状腺正常组织、良性瘤及癌的离体组织标本进行了激光诱导组织自体荧光光谱分析。
- No scat-tering particles were observed by Argon laser beams of 1 mm diameter and 1W in power. 用直径为 1mm、功率为 1 W 的氩激光束扫描未见到散射颗粒。
- PURPOSE:To evaluate the therapeutic effect of argon laser photocoagulation on choroidal osteoma. 目的:探讨脉络膜骨瘤激光治疗的作用和效果。
- Objective To evaluate the efficacy of argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT) for the remnant glaucoma. 目的评价氩激光小梁成形术治疗残余性青光眼患者的有效性。
- Objective To evaluate the effects of argon laser in management of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). 目的评估氩激光对中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(中浆)的治疗效应。
- Methods The patients with diabetic macula edema were treated by argon laser photocoagulation. 方法对糖尿病性黄斑水肿患者行氩激光光凝术。
- Wand M. Argon laser gonioplasty for synechial angle closure[ J]. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 363. 杜宁静;陈琦;莫梓坚.;改良氩激光虹膜成形术后前房角的改变[J]
- Corneal argon laser photocoagulation (CALP) was used in 10 patients to treat deep stromal vascular ingrowth. 摘要本文报告10个角膜移植后产生新生血管之病例,分成三组加以比较雷射治疗之成效。
- We suggest that argon laser photocoagulation is effective as the primary treatment for limited retinal detachment. 作者认为雷射光凝固法可用来治疗此种局限性网膜剥离。
- Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of argon laser photocoagulation treatment for peripheral retinal breaks. 摘要目的探讨氩激光治疗周边视网膜裂孔的疗效。
- Methods Argon laser which has adaptable energy were used to treat 6 cases of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma. 方法用氩绿激光治疗6例(6只眼)孤立型脉络膜血管瘤,使用相适应的激光参数,分次治疗。
- ConclusionUsing argon laser to treat RVO can curb new vascular of retina building, lighten MVE and protect ... 结论视网膜静脉阻塞采用氩激光治疗可控制新生血管的生成,减轻黄斑囊样水肿,保护视功能。
- The blue-green light of an argon laser reacts more efficiently with hemoglobin,so it cuts gums effectively and helps halt bleeding. 氩激光器发出的蓝绿色的光线对血红蛋白能够更有效地起作用,因此它可用以刺穿牙龈并有助于止血。
- Argon laser photocoagulation could contribute to fadeaway of post- radiation macular edema and improve the visual acuity. 氩激光光凝可有助于放射性黄斑水肿消退 ,视力提高而获得满意的疗效
- Objective To observe the clinical effect of argon laser photocoagulation therapy on diabetic macula edema with optical coherencetomography. 目的应用光学相干断层扫描观察氩激光治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿的临床疗效。