- Must be a single-valued attribute of type Integer. 必须是类型为Integer的单值属性。
- argument of type integer 整型变元
- The object variable num refers to data of type Integer, and frm refers to an object of class Form. 对象变量num引用Integer类型的数据,frm引用Form类的对象。
- For example, a column of type INT on the consolidated database should be type INTEGER on the remote database. 例如,统一数据库中类型为INT的列对应远程数据库中的类型INTEGER。
- BeginTrans returns a value of type Integer, indicating the nesting level of the new transaction. 值是事务嵌套的层次,如果只能开一层事务,何必要有返回值?
- The table in the last example is called use rs and we have defined 3 field s: user_id of type integer, ha ndle of type text and is_activ e of type boolean. 前面例子中的表格被称为 users 并且我们定义了 3 个 域:类型为整数的 user_id,类型为文本的 handle 和类型为逻辑型的 is_active。
- Event handler is called with an argument of type 类型的参数调用
- A complete set of type of one size and face. 一副活字一整套同样尺寸和型号的活字模
- The full range of type of the same design. 同一种图案的铅字的全范围
- This is the argument of the school. 这就是流行学派的论据。
- The argument of the function was misrepresented. 这个函数的自变量出现表达错误。
- The handler for this event receives an argument of type 此事件的处理程序接收类型为
- A piece of type that prints a single character. (一个)铅字印刷某一个字的铅字
- Cursive writing; a cursive style of type. 草书; 印刷文字的草写体
- He rebutted the argument of the other team in a debate. 他在辩论会中反驳对方的论点。
- He rebut the argument of the other team In a debate . 他反驳辩论会中对方的论证。
- Not spaced or separated with lead, as lines of type. (如铅字的行间)没有用铅字隔开或分开的
- A hole cut in a plate for insertion of type. 活字镶嵌槽用榫或铆在金属板上切开的小洞
- All the lines of type should be ranged. 每行铅字都应在终端排齐。