- arid inland areas 内陆干旱区
- arid inland area 干旱内陆区
- Most of the grassland in the inland areas. 草原多数位于内陆地区。
- We can gradually bridge the gap between coastal and inland areas. 我们一定要逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫富差距问题。
- Tectonics can cause inland areas to become coastal or vice versa. 构造运动可以令内陆变成海岸或者反其道而行之。
- And the study direction of hydrology and water resources in arid inland river basin in China are preliminarily discussed through an example of Xinjiang. 以新疆地区为例,对干旱区内陆河流域的水文水资源研究方向作了初步探讨。
- Aqu-Alluvic Entisols was located in the flood land of river in arid inland area.The ground water table of the soil is high and soil moisture regime is aquic. 干旱内陆地区的潮湿冲积新成土主要位于大河两岸的河滩地,它的地下水位高,土壤水分为潮湿状态。
- arid inland river irrigation area 干旱内陆河灌区
- It is a big problem to find ways for the coastal areas to assist the inland areas. 沿海如何帮助内地,这是一个大问题。
- Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas. 优良的工作条件和优厚的待遇使许多大学生离开了内陆地区。
- I also have heard of many very successful stories of foreign investment in China's inland areas or costal other cities. 我也听说过许多关于在中国内地和其他沿海城市进行投资而获得成功的例子。
- But those hoping to catch soaring displays of the majestic bird in Iowa will have to keep their eyes on inland areas as well as rivers. 但那些希望捕捉暴涨佼雄伟鸟在已开出将保持目光内陆河流以及街道。
- arid inland river irrigated region 干旱内陆河灌区
- In short, taking the country as whole, I am confident that we can gradually bridge the gap between coastal and inland areas. 总之,就全国范围来说,我们一定能够逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫富差距的问题。
- As a result, many musical dances came through the desert to the imperial courts of the Han and Tang dynasties and then to inland areas of China. 之后,当时西域(今新疆一带)各地方政权的各种乐舞,才得以经越沙漠瀚海,处处绿洲,先后传入汉、唐各代宫廷并流入内地民间
- Such T-bone type coverage enables us to develop our service strengths along both coastal area and inland area. 这服务增强了我们于沿岸及内陆的运输服务能力。
- Compared with inland areas, the regional environment of coastal areas is more beneficial to the growth and development of 200 SMEs. 与内陆地区相比,沿海发达地区的区域环境比较有利于200家中小企业的成长和发展;
- How can people make a living in this arid area? 这片不毛之地上的人们怎么谋生呢?
- China is a country with imbalanced regional development, principally between the coastal area and inland area. 我国是一个区域发展不平衡的国家,这种不平衡性,主要表现在沿海与内地之间。
- In other cases, companies are redistributing some lower value, less time-sensitive tasks to new production facilities in cheaper inland areas. 对于其它企业,它们正将一些价值含量较低、对时效不太敏感的业务转移到成本较低的内陆地区的新生产设施中去。