- The quarrel rose from a mere trifle. 争吵由小事引起。
- arise from a mere trifle 起因于一件小事
- Spring v. To arise from a source; develop. 发源;从起源处发生;发展。
- Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. 身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。
- The mistake here arose from a rightist viewpoint. 这里的错误是从右倾的观点产生的。
- One example of a successful kaizen arose from a consumer complaint. 一个例子,一个成功的改善产生于消费者投诉。
- Yes, what a different harvest and a different result from a mere change of the style of business! 是啊,很简单的一种经营方式的改变,却能带来多么不同的一种收获和一种结果啊。
- The most plausible hypothesis is that the short-duration bursts arise from a merger of two neutron stars. 最可能的假说认为,短爆是由两个中子星合并而引起的。
- That few in public affairs act from a mere view of the good of their country, whatever they may pretend. 几乎很少有人纯粹出于为国谋利的原因去从事公众事业,不管他们如何假装。
- A partial comment would arise from a source file ending with an unclosed /* comment. 不完全注释可能在一个以没有关闭的/*注释未结尾的源文件中出现。
- This shift from a reformist middle class to a reactionary one over a mere two decades should be surprising. 这确实让人震惊,中产阶级只用了二十年就从改革者蜕变成了反动派。
- Trade wars arise from a ruthless determination on the part of a company or country to capture the market. 贸易战是一个公司或国家为占领市场而做出无情的决定引起的。(增加了动词“做出”)
- Meanwhile, he graduated from a mere gar-den-variety billionaire to possibly the richest person in New York. 在此同时,他也从一位普通平凡的亿万富豪翻身,可能成为纽约最富有的人。
- Accidents often arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于粗心。
- Anaximander held that all of these elements originally arise from a primal, turbulent mass, the Boundless or Infinite. 他注意到宇宙间的变迁,他提出这其中应至少包括有热,冷,干,湿的互动。
- Accidents arise from carelessness. 意外事故起因于粗心大意。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- Hot sales in the bicycle market has shifted with the bicycle's function changing from a mere transport tool to a body-building and recreational equipment. 自行车的功能正从单纯的交通工具逐步向健身休闲工具转变,市场热点发生了变化。
- Such complexity can arise from a host of indirect interactions[40] as well as interference competition among consumers or intraguild predation. 这些复杂性可能来自于间接相互作用的主体,以及消费者之间的竞争干扰或消费者之间的掠夺行为。
- Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era. 哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。