- The armed rebellion was quelled only in a few days. 几天之内武装叛乱就被镇压下去了。
- When the armed rebellion failed,they fled to India. 叛军失败后,又逃往印度。
- The armed rebellion was promptly put down. 武装叛乱很快被平息了。
- How Does the 1959 Armed Rebellion Occur? 1959年武装判乱是怎样发生的
- When the armed rebellion failed, they fled to India. 叛乱失败后,又逃往印度。
- Who is capable of putting down this armed rebellion? 不知道谁能够带领兵将讨平这次叛乱?
- They brazenly tore up the 17-Article Agreement and declared "the independence of Tibet," launching a full-scale armed rebellion against the motherland. 他们公开撕毁“十七条协议”,宣布“西藏独立”,全面发动了背叛祖国的武装叛乱。
- The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebellion and guerrilla warfare in the Carribbean and Andean countries. 工作小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。
- The armed rebellion in Tibet was supported from the beginning by foreign anti-China forces. 西藏的武装叛乱,从开始就得到国外反华势力的支持。
- The climax was the elaborately planned armed rebellion in Lhasa on March 10, 1959. 1959年3月10日在拉萨发生的全面武装叛乱,就是经精心策划而挑起的。
- The climax was the elaborately planned armed rebellion in Lhasa on March 10,1959. 1959年3月10日在拉萨发生的全面武装叛乱,就是经精心策划而挑起的高潮。
- The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebellion and guerrilla warfare in the Caribbean and Andean countries. 工作小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。
- Before long, the PLA suppressed the armed rebellion in Shannan, where the rebels had been entrenched for a long time. 以后又平息了叛乱分子长期盘踞的山南地区的叛乱。
- Before long,the PLA suppressed the armed rebellion in Shannan,where the rebels had been entrenched for a long time. 以后解放军又平息了叛乱分子长期盘踞的山南地区的叛乱。
- With the support of patriotic Tibetan monks and lay people,the PLA completely put down the armed rebellion in Lhasa within two days. 在藏族爱国僧俗人民的支持下,仅用两天时间,就彻底平息了拉萨市区的叛乱。
- With the support of patriotic Tibetan monks and lay people, the PLA completely put down the armed rebellion in Lhasa within two days. 在藏族爱国僧俗人民的支持下,仅用两天时间,就彻底平息了拉萨市区的叛乱。
- In 1955,Galoin Surkang Wangqen Geleg of the Tibetan local government and others secretly plotted an armed rebellion in the Tibetan-inhabited area of Xikang Province. 1955年,西藏地方政府噶伦索康·旺清格勒等在当时的西康省藏区秘密策划煽动武装叛乱。
- Subsequently,the rebel leaders convened the so-called "people's congress" and "people's conference of the independent state of Tibet," intensifying their efforts to organize and expand armed rebellion. 随后,叛乱头目连续召开所谓“人民代表会议”、“西藏独立国人民会议”,加紧组织和扩大叛乱武装。
- The Democratic Reform abolished the ownership of the means of production by serf-owners. The farmland originally occupied by those serf-owners involved in the armed rebellion was distributed free to landless serfs and slaves. 民主改革废除了生产资料的农奴主所有制,参加叛乱的农奴主占有的耕地无偿分给了无地的农奴和奴隶。
- China's Constitution and laws prohibit any organization or individual from organizing,plotting or carrying out armed rebellion or riot to subvert the state power or overthrow the socialist system. 中国宪法和法律禁止任何组织或个人组织、策划、实施武装叛乱或武装暴乱,颠覆国家政权,推翻社会主义制度。