- China opposes arms sales to Taiwan by any nation. 中国反对任何国家向台湾销售武器。
- China protested to the US Government on its announcement of arms sales to Taiwan. 中国政府就美售台武器一事向美国政府提出抗议。
- However, since 1996, a certain country, in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly, began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以"脚注"形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- Regarding the US arms sale to Taiwan, we have repeatedly expressed our clear, stern and firm opposition. 答:关于美国对台军售的问题,我们已经反复表明了我们明确、严正、坚决的反对立场。
- China resolutely opposes arms sales to Taiwan or entering into a military alliance in any form with Taiwan by any country. 中国坚决反对任何国家向台湾出售武器或与台湾进行任何形式的军事结盟。
- However,since 1996,a certain country,in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly,began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以"脚注"形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- The Reagan administration is committed to honor its agreement of last August to limit and gradually reduce American arms sales to Taiwan, Mr. Schultz declared again and again. 舒尔茨先生一次再次地宣称:里根政府将负责实施去年8月关于限制和逐步削减向台湾出售武器的协议。
- In reply to a question on those reports, Ma said the stance of the Chinese government on arms sales to Taiwan is clear and consistent, and remains unchanged. 在回答这些报道的相关问题时,马说,中国政府对待台湾武器销售方面的立场是一贯的和清楚的,始终不变。
- However, since 1996, a certain country, in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly, began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote to its national report. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以所谓"脚注"形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- In order to resolve the issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan,the Chinese and the U.S. governments negotiated and reached an agreement on 17 August 1982. A communique bearing the same date became the third joint communique governing Sino-U.S. relations. 为解决美国售台武器问题,中美两国政府通过谈判,于一九八二年八月十七日达成协议,发表了有关中美关系的第三个联合公报,简称“八·一七公报”。
- In order to resolve the issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan,the Chinese and the U.S. governments negotiated and reached an agreement on 17 August 1982. A communique-bearing the same date became the third joint communique-governing Sino-U.S. relations. 为解决美国售台武器问题,中美两国政府通过谈判,于一九八二年八月十七日达成协议,发表了有关中美关系的第三个联合公报,简称“八·一七公报”。
- Invoking this legislation,the U.S. Government has continued its arms sales to Taiwan,interference in China's internal affairs and obstruction to Taiwan's reunification with the mainland. 美国政府根据这个关系法,继续向台湾出售武器和干涉中国内政,阻挠台湾与中国大陆的统一。
- It is obvious that the arms sales to Taiwan are not arms transfers between sovereign states. Furthermore,they constitute infringements upon China's sovereignty and interference in China's internal affairs. 向台湾出售武器显然不是主权国家间的武器转让,而是侵犯中国主权、干涉中国内政的行为。
- However,since 1996,a certain country,in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly,began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote to its national report. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以所谓“脚注”形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- In order to resolve the issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the Chinese and the U.S. governments negotiated and reached an agreement on 17 August 1982. A communique bearing the same date became the third joint communique governing Sino-U. S. relations. 为解决美国售台武器问题,中美两国政府通过谈判,于1982年8月17日达成协议,发表了有关中美关系的第三个联合公报,简称“八 - 一七公报”。
- In the August 17 Communique, the US Government pledges that it will not follow a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan and that it will gradually reduce its arms sales to Taiwan and eventually resolve the problem. 在“八·一七”公报中,美国政府还承诺不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,将逐步减少对台湾军售并最后解决这个问题。
- The Chinese document snipes back at the Americans, saying their arms sales to Taiwan have been causing serious harm to bilateral relations and to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. 对此,中国人在文件中反唇相讥,认为美国对台湾的军售活动已对中美关系与台海和平稳定造成了严重损害。
- arms sales to Taiwan by countries having diplomatic relations with China 与中国建交国向台湾出售武器问题
- (4) Arms sales to Taiwan by countries having diplomatic relations with China. (四)与中国建交国向台湾出售武器问题。
- arms sales to Taiwan 对台军售