- The exhibition management department of BISU enrolls around 60 students annually for 4-year education program. 北京第二外国语学院每年招收60名国家统招的本科会展系学生。
- An average flash unit has a rating of around 60 joules. 平均估计,一般的闪光单元约为60焦耳。
- They have 60 students in their class. One student is from Australia. 他们班有60名学生,其中有一名来自澳大利亚。
- AIGA now represents more than 22,000 designers of all disciplines through national activities and local programs developed by around 60 chapters and 200 student groups. AIGA拥有22,000多名来自各个设计领域的设计师,有约60个分会及200个学生团体。
- Kiribati's capital island of Tarawa,which is seldom more than tens of yards wide at its widest,is home to around 60,000 people. 塔拉瓦岛是基里巴斯的首都,有近6万人口,此岛最大宽度尚不足100码。
- More than 60 students were injured on Sunday in a balloon explosion at a school in northwest China's Gansu Province, hospital sources said. 据医院的消息:周日在中国西北部的甘肃省一所学校里,超过60多名学生的在一起氢气球爆炸事件中受伤。
- There are currently 18 government departments and around 60 statutory agencies in the APS. 目前,APS含有18个政府部门和大约60个法定机构。
- They have driven it at around 60 mph and are now making final adjustments to the engine before driving it at top speed. 车子已经可以跑到时速60英里左右,在以最高时速驾驶之前,他们目前正针对引擎进行的最后调整工作。
- In recent years the annual number of waders stopping at Mai Po has steadily increased, to around 60,000. 近年来,在米埔停留的鹰的数量逐年稳步增长,现在大约是60000只。
- Analysis from Credit Suisse shows that the CFR of Lloyds Banking Group in Britain, for example, hovers at around 60%. 瑞士信贷(公司)的分析表明,英国劳埃德银行集团的CFR(核心资金比率)徘徊在60%25左右。
- The centre owns elemental establishments including a classroom of capacitance for 60 students, dormitories, refectory, etc., extending long-termed training and practice to colleges' students. 中心拥有容纳60人的教室、宿舍和食堂等基础设施,能够长期为大中专学生提供培训和实习。
- Meanwhile, the annual fee has declined by around 60% since 1991 with less than $4.3 for each customer. 同时,年费用自1991年以来降低约60%25,降至每个客户低于4.;3美元。
- That man,around 60 years old,swept his argenteous hair back with elaborate care. 那男的60上下,精心地把他银灰色的头发往后梳着。
- Around 60 players have turned out for both Liverpool and Tranmere over the years, including McAteer himself. “我们必须采用我们的方法,如果没有安静坐下来听取利物浦各方面建议或者接受他们的帮助那将会一件愚蠢的事。”
- In order to observe the actual effect of the respiratory exercise prescription to ameliorative the respiratory function in college students,60 students were divided into two groups and proceeded two kinds of different content sports training for 12-weeks. 观察呼吸锻炼运动处方对改善大学生肺功能的实际效果.;方法:将60名素质提高班学生分成两组进行为期12周的两种不同内容的训练;分别于实验前后对实验对象的四个反映肺功能常用指标进行检测
- A decibel is a standard unit of sound, and normal conersation is around 60 decibels. 分贝是声音的标准单位,正常谈话的声音大约在60分贝左右。
- Methods ASSR, click ABR, pure tone audiometry were examined in 60 students of No. 1 Military Medical University. The test values of left and right ears of men and women were compared. 方法对60例第一军医大学学员行ASSR、ABR和电测听测试,比较男、女及左、右耳测试值的差异。
- The higher the resolution of your photo,the more memory space it will eat up -- a 64Mb memory card should store around 60 high resolution photos. 相片的分辨率越高,占用的存储空间就越大。64兆的记忆卡大概可以存储60幅高分辨率的照片。
- Most of them are around 60 years old now,or even older.Their energy is,after all,running out. Otherwise,why do some work at home? 老干部现在大体上都是六十岁左右的人了,六十岁出头的恐怕还占多数,精力毕竟不够了,不然为什么有些同志在家里办公呢?
- The expedition was scheduled to take around 60 days - but 47-year-old Rosie was picked up after enduring a long, chilly 84 days on the shifting ice cap. 现年47岁的斯坦斯原定大约用60天时间来完成冒险计划,但她在湿滑的冰层上走了84天还没有完成目标后,就选择了放弃。而她最终离自己的终极目标还有89英里。