- Arranged in order of time of occurrence. 按时间发生顺序排列的
- The books are arranged in order. 书被摆放得井然有序。
- The names are arranged in order. 姓名按顺序排列。
- The leaves thus inscribed were arranged in order within the cave. 刻过字的叶子整齐地排在小洞里。
- They are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. 它们是按先易后难的顺序排列的。
- The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty. 这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的。
- The articles are arranged in order of the latest replying time. 帖子是按回复时间排列,最近回复的排在最上面。
- Genes are arranged in order along the DNA strand within the chromosome. 存在于染色体内的DNA长链上的基因呈有序排列。
- The index is arranged in alphabetical order. 这索引是按字母顺序排列的。
- These jobs should be arranged in order of priority and not done all at once. 这些工作要分轻重缓急,不要齐头并进。
- The next day a picnic was arranged in a beautiful coppice. 第二天,在一个美丽的小灌木林里布置了野餐。
- The serial numbers of the specimens were arranged in order of increasing strength. 将试样按强度递增顺序编号。
- The words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. 词典中的词是按字母顺序排列的。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- These jobs should be arranged in order of priority and not undertaken all at once. 这些工作要分清轻重缓急,不要齐头并进。
- Readings are arranged in order of lectures. Two numbers are skipped due to midterm exams. 相关阅读资料是根据授课顺序而安排。因为期中考所以跳过两堂课。
- All is arranged in order of seniority at school. It's no use for you to look for connections. 学校里讲得是序齿入座,你找人也没用。
- The restaurants are arranged in alphabetical order. 这些餐厅是按名称字母的先后顺序排列的。
- While I do not present any quantitative data on speed, the chart is arranged in order of speed, from fastest to slowest. 在速度方面,虽然我没有定量的数据,但这张表是按照速度顺序来安排的,从最快到最慢。