- array declarator statement 数组说明语句
- array declaration statement 数组说明语句
- In PL/1,the number of bound specifications in an array declaration. PL/1语言中,在数组说明中上下限说明的数目。
- If possible, specify a constant dimension in the array declaration. 如有可能,在数组声明中指定常数维度。
- Add either the Sub or Function keyword to the Declare statement. 在Declare语句中添加Sub或Function关键字。
- Clause in a declaration statement or an assignment statement. 可以在声明语句或赋值语句中使用。
- In PL / 1, the number of bound specifications in an array declaration. pl/1语言中,在数组说明中上下限说明的数目。
- Only in a property or procedure declaration statement. 只能在属性或过程声明语句中使用。
- In PL/1, the number of bound specifications in an array declaration. PL/1语言中,在数组说明中上下限说明的数目。
- direct abstract array declarator 直接抽象阵列说明符
- You can use a New clause in a declaration statement or an assignment statement. 可以在声明语句或赋值语句中使用New子句。
- In Visual Basic, you use the Declare statement to specify the CharSet field. 在Visual Basic中可以使用Declare语句指定CharSet字段。
- Array declared as for loop control variable cannot be declared with an initial size. 声明用于循环控制变量的数组时不能使用初始大小的值。
- "An Array declaration uses - restricts or extends - the soapenc:Array type, or the wsdl:arrayType attribute is used in the type declaration. "(有限或延伸使用 soapenc:Array 类型的阵列宣告,或者在类型宣告中使用 wsdl:arrayType 属性。)
- To specify more than one Access method, use an additional attribute declaration statement. 若要指定多个Access方法,请额外使用一个属性声明语句。
- The Declare statement creates a reference to an external procedure and supplies this necessary information. Declare语句创建一个对外部过程的引用,并提供这些必需的信息。
- Every local variable must appear in a declaration statement before being used in any other kind of statement. 每个局部变量在用于其他任何类型的语句前必须出现在声明语句中。
- Structure %1 may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement . 结构%251可能要求封送处理属性作为此声明语句中的参数传递。
- Exception-name The name of an exception declared using a DECLARE statement at the beginning of the current compound statement. exception-name在当前复合语句的开头使用DECLARE语句声明的例外的名称。
- Note that the initial value you specify in a declaration statement is not assigned to a variable until execution reaches its declaration statement. 请注意,在开始执行变量的声明语句前,您在声明语句中指定的初始值并不会赋给该变量。