- The campaign did not detain him long. 竞选时的问题并没有缠住他多久。
- This question need not detain us long. 这个问题不需要很久的时间就能解决。
- The question should not detain us. 我们无须为此自扰.
- This question need not detain us long . 这个问题不需要很久的时间就能解决。
- The prehistory of languages need not detain us. 语言史前史不需要扣留我们。
- Originally, somewhat warm cannot detain. 原来;有些温暖是留不住的.
- You cannot detain the eagle in the forest. 你没有法子将一只老鹰扣留在森林里。
- Some things ,Is we cannot detain . 有些东西,是我们留不住的。
- arrest not detain 逮捕而不扣留
- This question need not detain us long,ie can be settled quickly. 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时间.
- I very want to detain, actually any also cannot detain. 我很想挽留,却什么也留不住。
- This question need not detain us long, ie can is settled quickly. 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时间.
- This question need not detain us long, ie can be settled quickly. 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时间。
- I'll not detain you an instant longer, on any account, Kit. 无论怎样我不会耽搁你多久的,吉特。
- The leaf's leaving is due to the blow of wind or the tree did not detain? 叶子的离开是风的追求还是树的不挽留呢?
- Fauchelevent slackened his pace, but he could not detain the hearse. 割风可以放慢自己的脚步,却不能拖住那灵车。
- Similarly, the government should not detain YB Teresa Kok and Raja Petra. 同样的,政府也不应该逮捕郭素沁和拉惹布特拉。
- Emergency Hysterotomy (Cesarean Delivery) for the Pregnant Woman in Cardiac Arrest Maternal Cardiac Arrest Not Immediately Reversed by BLS and ACLS. 对心跳停止的妊娠妇女施行剖宫术初级生命支持和高级生命支持并不意味立即取消对孕妇行(急诊剖宫产)剖宫术。
- Public security management does not have such regulation on condemnatory byelaw, can not detain. 治安治理处罚条例上没有这样的规定;不可以拘留的.
- "An urgent case in the Rue St. Honore, he said. It would not detain me, he had a coach in waiting. “他说圣奥诺雷街有人得了急病,不会耽误我多少时间,他有马车等候。