- It not only presaged the initial establishing of modern art concepts of the public, but also made a base for modern art market. 它不仅预示着现代大众艺术观念的初步确立,而且为现代艺术市场的建立打下了基础。
- In the design of globalization today, in the face of modern Western art concepts and design ideas spread development of modern logo design is faced with many puzzles and perplexity. 在设计全球化的今日,面对西方现代艺术思潮和设计观念传播,国内现代标志设计发展面临着许多困惑与迷茫。
- With Formaris V5 state-of-the art concept, you avoid any extra and tedious checking tasks, ensure perfect upholstery quality, communicate better with your collaborators and significantly reduce time to market. Formaris V5这一先进的产品使您不必作任何额外、单调的检查,并同时确保理想的内饰件质量,实现与协作者之间更好的沟通并大大缩短产品面市时间。
- Inherited with the spirit of extension from the Slav people, the cultural toleration and art concept of the Russian contemporary art is absolutely no inferior to other European countries. 继承了斯拉夫人特有的开拓和融合精神,俄罗斯当代艺术的文化包容性和艺术理念丝毫不逊于欧洲其他国家。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- Bill took up art while at school. 比尔在上学期间学习美术。
- Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 你本是尘土就该归於尘土。
- This museum has many art treasures. 这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术珍品。
- What do you think of modern art? 你对现代艺术有何看法?
- An appreciation of art will enrich your life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你的生活
- She is a very discerning art critic. 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家。
- The town boasts a world-famous art gallery. 这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻名於世的美术馆。
- I am studying art at Stockholm University. 我在斯德哥尔摩大学攻读艺术。
- Bob was art and part in the crime. 鲍勃策划并参与了这项罪行。
- Funeral a lose art in the big city. 在大都会里,葬礼是一则已失传的的艺术。
- She joined the university art society. 她加入了大学里的艺术协会。
- She studied sculpture at art school. 她在美术学校学习雕刻。