- They all look like works of art created by nature. 真像是大自然创造出的艺术品啊。
- A work of art created by a primitive artist. 原初主义艺术家的作品
- This is a site dedicated to the ranting, music, and art created by me Xtian Downs. 这是一个由我戴思汉专门为狂言,音乐和艺术创造的网站。
- Sutras’ Cartoon in the Caves is the ancestor of modern cartoon.This is a unique art created by Chinese artiest. 经变图可以说是现代漫画的鼻祖,是中国独创的佛教艺术。
- Shanghai Municipal Prison has held an exhibition every year since 1983,featuring 200-300 pieces of art created by prisoners. 上海市监狱从1983年以来,每年举办一期在押罪犯的习美作品展,每次展出二、三百件。
- Shanghai Municipal Prison has held an exhibition every year since 1983, featuring 200-300 pieces of art created by prisoners. 上海市监狱从1983年以来,每年举办一期在押罪犯的习美作品展,每次展出二、三百件。
- Some of our works represent art created by entry level amateurs, while some are at the professional level in quality.We sincerely appreciate your comments and encouragements. 顾名思义,本社会员绝大多数是业馀的爱好者,期望专业水准未免苛求,希望大家在观赏之馀,也给我们一些鞭策和鼓励。
- The cityscape of each period is the work of art created jointly by people's collaborative labor, and the cityscape and collaborative labor form the artistic life of the city. 每一个时期的城市景观都是人们通过协作劳动共同创作的艺术作品,城市景观和协作劳动构成了这个城市的艺术生活。
- The cityscape of each period is the work of art created jointly by collaborative labor, and cityscape and collaborative labor form the artistic life of the city. 每一个时期的城市景观都是人们通过协作劳动共同创作的艺术作品,城市景观和协作劳动构成了这个城市的艺术生活。
- It's not only a quiz of art essence in ontology, but also a research on art creating dynamic in methodology. 它既是一种本体论意义上对于艺术创造的本质问题的追问,同时也是方法论意义上对于艺术和艺术创造的动力构成因素与作用机制的具体考察。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The “space represent” of brushwork is one of the most important issue in the art creating and art theory researching. 绘画的“空间表现”问题是艺术创作以及艺术理论研究的重要问题之一。
- Fine arts: Arts created with concern for aesthetic values rather than for utility.Among them are sculpture,drawing,painting and ceramics,etc. 美术:以美感为主的创作,有别于以是用为主的创作。其中包括:雕塑、绘画、油画、和陶瓷等。
- Photographer Vincent Bousserez has artfully created an entire world of miniature plastic people that live hyperkinetic lives working and playing hard. 摄影师文森特Bousserez已巧妙地创造了整个世界的微型塑料人民生活动生活的工作,互相勉励。
- Blue is a music style created by African descents in America.Like Jazz, blues is considered to be one of the few arts created in the modern era. 一种由美国的非洲后裔创造的音乐流派,与爵士乐同样成为产生于现代的少数几种新艺术形式之一。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- a work of art created by a primitive artist 原始主义艺术家的作品
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?
- a piece of art created by carving wood. 一件用木头雕刻出来的艺术品。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。