- art education of tmiversity 高校美术教育
- The aesthetic education of schiler mainly referred to art education, while the aesthetic revolution of Marcuse chiefly talk about the art revolution. 席勒的审美教育主要指艺术教育,马尔库塞的审美革命则主要指艺术革命。
- The most tribute what he made is his "Education of Aesthetics".Confucius is the first original aesthetician through poem education, music education and art education. 他在美学上的最大的贡献就在于他的“美育”,不论从诗教、乐教或艺术教育来看,孔子都是中国最早具有原创性的美学家。
- Yuncheng future e-schools, computer technology are therefore one of education and art education of comprehensive, closed-end municipal focus full-time secondary school. 运城未来电子学校,是一所以计算机技术教育和美术教育为主的综合性、封闭式的全日制市级重点中等专业学校。
- The art education of different categories and the comprehensive art education have respective and different goals,but their co-existence and mergence have become the historical necessity. 综合艺术教育本科专业的建设可吸收借鉴历史的、现实的、外来的多种经验。
- On art education of architecture 论本科建筑学专业的美术教育
- During his life, Xu Beihong also devoted heart and soul to the education of new artists and made important contributions to fine arts education after the founding of New China. 徐悲鸿为培养美术的新生力量付出了巨大心血,对中国新兴的美术教育作出了开创性的贡献。
- A., University of Illinois-Champaign, Art Education, U.S.A. 美国伊利诺大学 艺术教育研究所 硕士 M.
- Art education of normal university 高师美术教育
- Professional Reference System of High Education of Art II. 高等院校艺术类学生专业参考大系2。
- Father has an eye to the education of his boy. 父亲非常注意儿子的教育问题。
- We poured money into the education of our children. 我们倾注了大量的钱在孩子的教育上。
- We should attend to the education of young people. 我们应当关心年轻人的教育问题。
- He has an eye to the education of the boy. 他对这个孩子的教育非常注意。
- Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. 台北:冠学出版社。
- I have the education of young girls in charge. 我负责照管女孩子们的教育。
- It is an education of love and filial piety. 对学生进行爱心与孝心的教育。
- Education of electronics is required. 需受过电子学相关方面的教育。
- What is education of undergraduate thought ethics? 大学生思想道德教育是什么?
- Kodak education of taking picture. 柯达拍照理念教育.