- Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership. 各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。
- It is quite necessary to improve the art of leadership of our new government officials at all levels. 提高各级新干部的领导水平很有必要。
- Build up the Party's governing capacity and improve its art of leadership and governance. 加强党的执政能力建设,提高党的领导水平和执政水平。
- The aim is to develop staff with transferable technology such as critical thoughts, intercommunion skills, and art of leadership. 目标是发展拥有可转移性技术的员工,例如他们的批评性思维、人际交流技巧以及领导艺术。
- The two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks. 两大历史性课题提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力。
- Therefore, directors have functions both in technology and management, characteristics of directors such as, function of management, basic diathesis and art of leadership are crux of the matter. 因此,科室主任因其技术和管理双重职责所具备的管理职能、基本素质和领导艺术在日常工作中显得尤为关键。
- If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leadership. 我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。
- The art of preparing and dispensing drugs. 配药学,制药业制配药品的科学
- On the Art of Leadership of Keeping "a Distance" 浅谈保持"距离"的领导艺术
- The art of creating such representations. 漫画手法创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术
- He was promoted to a position of leadership. 他被提升担任领导工作。
- Boxing has been defined as the art of hit without being hit. 拳击已被定义为没有碰撞的碰撞艺术。
- Homer have teach all other poet the art of tell lie skillfully. 荷马把他的一套撒谎本领传给了其他的全部诗人。
- It would undermine the development of leadership. 它将阻碍领导能力的发展。
- A position of leadership or superiority. 上级,领导领导或监督的位置
- She shows qualities of leadership. 她表现出领袖特质。
- She's a past master at the art of getting what she wants. 她想要什麽就能得到什麽,堪称一绝。
- Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition. 词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧。
- She was criticized for her lack of leadership. 她因领导不力而受到批评。
- Trust is the foundation of leadership. 信任是领导力的基础。