- art prototype theory 典型论
- In the second chapter, we apply prototype theory to the study of polysemy of human body words. 第二章运用原型理论分析了人体词的多义性。研究表明:一个人体词的各义项构成一个多义范畴。
- Based on the study and analysis of enantiosemy, we argue that many principles in prototype theory don't hold water. 究其原因除了偏颇的研究方法之外,主要在于以往研究范畴样本缺乏语料的多样性。
- The final defeat of the second tendency results from the politicization of the sociological model, and particularly from the booming prototype theory. 最终,真正能够使得散文化、诗化倾向败北的力量,来自社会学模式的政治化,具体地说是来自于典型论势力的扩展。
- The relationship of the generality and the individuality is the core of Prototype theory, which dually reflects human's existence as generality and individuality. 摘要共性与个性的关系是典型理论的核心,是人作为类和个体的双重反映。
- Based on the prototype theory and metaphoric cognitive mechanism, the paper probes the psychological cognitive process of semantic extension of prepositions. 摘要本文以原型范畴理论,隐喻认知机制为支点,探讨英语介词语义延伸的心理认知过程。
- On the other hand, this thesis uses some examples in morphology, syntax and phonology to explore the application of prototype theory to the study of linguistic structure. 另一方面,作者还从词法、句法和音位等角度探讨类典型理论对语言结构研究的影响。
- Prototype theory,a new kind of conceptualization patterns,was proposed by Eleanor Rosch,an American psychologist in the middle of 1970s. This theory has exerted great influence on the study of languages in every aspect. 原型范畴理论是20世纪70年代中期美国心理学家Eleanor Rosch提出来的一种新的概念构建模式,它对语言各个层面的研究都产生了深远的影响。
- The prototype theory has solved many difficult problems in semantics so far, but cannot fully explain the linguistic phenomenon of enantiosemy, which exists in both Chinese and foreign languages. 摘要文章通过对反训词的深入考察和研究发现原型范畴理论(简称原型理论)存在许多片面性。
- This paper, lays emphasis on basic standpoints of the cognitive linguistics: the prototype theory, the underlying link between the polysemy of words, the metaphorical and metonymical meaning of words. 本文从认知语言学的基本观点出发,主要从范畴化的原型理论和隐喻和转喻的认知观看词义以及一词多义等现象,从词汇的选择,词义的解释与讲解,词汇的文化内涵和用法,词汇的记忆等几个方面探讨在英语词汇教学中教什么和怎样教等问题;
- What’s more, the author further studies the guidable significance of the prototype theory and the practical significance of conceptual metaphor theory for EFL teaching and learning. 此外,作者还深入研究了原型理论对于词汇教学的指导性意义及隐喻能力的培养对于词汇教学的实践性意义。
- The prototype theory has solved many difficult problems on semantics so far, but cannot completely explain the linguistic phenomenon of enantiosemy, which exists both in Chinese and foreign languages. 摘要文章通过对反训词的深入考察和研究发现原型范畴理论(以下简称原型理论)存在着诸多的片面性。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- Synonymy: From the Perspective of Prototype Theory 英语同义词同义关系度量表的典型理论研究
- Prototype theory and categorization 原型理论和范畴化
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- Bill took up art while at school. 比尔在上学期间学习美术。
- Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 你本是尘土就该归於尘土。