- arteria tarsea recurrens 跗返动脉
- lateral tarsal artery arteria tarsea laterlis 跗外侧动脉
- vena tarsea recurrens 跗返静脉
- arteria tarsea lateralis 跗外(侧)动脉
- arteria tarsea mediales 跗内(侧)动脉
- arteria tarsea perforans 跗穿动脉
- arteria tarsea reccurrens 跗返动脉
- arteria tarsea medialis 跗内侧动脉
- Left medial cerebral arteria is the most embolism position . 栓塞部位以左侧大脑中动脉最常见。
- arteriae tarsea lateralis [医] 跗外侧动脉
- Of the 693 segments of arteria , 683 were assessable on both DSA and CTA. 在693个动脉节段中,683个节段在CTA与DSA均可以显示。
- Conclusion The recurrens rate of CA could be reduced by fulguration in large range combined immunotherpy. 结论对CA的治疗在扩大治疗范围的同时配合免疫疗法,可降低CA复发率。
- Objective To discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy. 目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。
- In these patients,24cases were supplied blood by the arte ria colica media and 27cases by the arteria colica sin istra. 以结肠中动脉作供血血管24例,以左结肠动脉作供血血管27例。
- The arteria arcuata courses along beneath the cortex parallel to the capsular surface. 该弓形动脉在皮质下行走,同肾包膜面相平行。
- Purpose:Re-modifying the method of DSA puncturing arteria cerebri through arteria carotis communis. 目的 :对经颈总动脉穿刺行脑动脉DSA的方法进行再次改良。
- From somatic to caudal region of fish body, there are the specific supradorsal arteria and the supradorsal vein. 躯干部至尾部具特有的背上动脉和背上静脉;
- Neither serious complications nor recurrence of the tumour was found.Conclusion Preoperative arteria... 平均随访11个月,未见严重并发症和局部复发。
- Meanwhile the blood flow volume of portal vein and proper hepatic arteria was calculated. 同时测量肝固有动脉、门静脉血流参数。
- Results: The rate of lymph node metastasis of left gastric arteria was 21.91% in 178 patients. 结果:178例食管癌中发生胃左动脉旁淋巴结转移的阳性率21.;91%25。