- arteriae genu descendens [医] 膝最上动脉
- arteriae genus descendens 膝最上动脉
- arteria genus descendens 膝降动脉
- ramus saphenus arteriae genus descendentis 膝最上动脉隐支
- arteriae genu inferior lateralis [医] 膝下外动脉
- arteriae genu superior lateralis [医] 膝上外动脉
- arteriae genus inferior lateralis 膝下外侧动脉
- arteriae genus inferior medialis 膝下内侧动脉
- arteriae genus superior lateralis 膝上外侧动脉
- arteria genus inferior lateralis 膝下外侧动脉
- The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus. 黄水仙是水仙属植物。
- A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon. 翡翠鸟一种翠鸟,尤其是属于此种的翡翠属的
- Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus. 狗、狼和土狼是同属。
- A genus of extinct, large, flightless birds native to Madagascar. 象鸟,隆鸟一种不会飞的巨鸟,产于马达加斯加岛,现已绝种
- arteriae genu inferior medialis [医] 膝下内动脉
- Old World genus of isopod crustaceans. 陆生等足甲壳类旧大陆鼠妇科的一属。
- The poisonous berry of a plant of this genus. 该属植物的有毒浆果
- arteriae genu media [医] 膝中动脉
- European genus of bloodsucking flies. 欧洲的吸血苍蝇的一属。
- Mosses similar to those of genus Bryum but larger. 一种似真藓属的苔藓,但比之大。