- An ordinance regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of articles of consumption. 商品法定价格调节重量与尺寸和重量及消费品的价格的法规
- An article of personal, movable property. 动产一件私人的、可移动的财产
- My wife bought an article of coat for our daughter this morning. 我的妻子今天上午给女儿买了一件上衣。
- The teacher pruned the student's article of its superfluities. 老师删去这个学生文章中的多余内容。
- An article of personal property included in an inherited estate. 动产继承物包括在不动产之中的个人财产
- She developed symptoms of consumption. 她显示出肺病的症候。
- Internet shopping is a new way of consumption. 网上购物是当今消费的一种新途径。
- In 1843 Smith's elder brother died of consumption. 1843年,史密斯的的哥哥死于痨病。
- The company is bind by its article of association. 公司受公司章程的约束。
- There is an article of clothing on the chair. 椅子上有一件衣服。
- They offended against every article of his creed. 他们触犯了他的每一条戒律。
- She had several articles of clothing in her bag. 她手提包内有几件衣物。
- Some articles of furniture were lost when we moved. 我们搬家时有几件家俱丢失了。
- It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods. 它排斥一种甚至在消费资料范围内的情况。
- There is only an article of clothing in her home. 她家只有一件衣物。
- Snails are making their way as an article of food. 蜗牛逐渐变成食品了。
- A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk. 马拉布生丝织物由这种生丝制成的织物或衣物
- The growth rate of consumption demand has picked up. 消费需求增幅回升。
- He gave me an article of clothing. 他送给我一件衣服。
- A chair is an article of furniture. 椅子是一件家具。