- articulatio carpi 腕关节
- Injured parts were mainly on knee, articulatio crurotalaris and hard joint. 损伤部位多见于膝关节、距小腿关节、手关节等;
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Carpi - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Carpi 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Objective To analyse the results of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) transfer for restoration of elbow flexion. 目的分析应用尺侧腕屈肌移位术重建屈肘功能的疗效。
- Suffer from oblique tones shoulder arm pain, articulatio humeri is many direction activity obstacle. 患侧肩臂疼痛,肩关节多个方向活动障碍。
- The result shows that the alpaca forelimb consists of scapula,humeri,0ssa antebrachii(radius,ulna),0ssa Carpi,0s metacarpale,0ssa digiforum mamus. 结果发现:羊驼前肢骨由肩胛骨、肱骨、前臂骨(包括桡骨和尺骨)与前脚骨(包括腕骨、掌骨、指骨和籽骨)组成;
- Methods: The CT changes in articulatio sacroiliacae between 69 cases of AS and 31 cases of RA were analyzed. 方法:收集31例类风湿性关节炎及69例强直性脊柱炎病例,分析其骶髂关节的CT征象。
- Moment arms of the flexor carpi radialis tendon showed a consistent increase during wrist motion.Conclusion? 桡侧腕屈肌腱在腕屈伸或尺桡偏时均显著增大。
- CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris,the tendines were disarranged. CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生 ,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长 ,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。
- Italy ever also had sponsorred this activity before, the closest activity was held in Carpi in September 1994. 意大利以前也曾主办过此项活动,最近的一次活动是1994年9月在Carpi举行的。
- Nature lesion removing shoulder sleeve tearing , articulatio humeri tuberculosis , tumour and other purulence at the same time. 同时排除肩袖撕裂、肩关节结核、肿瘤及其它化脓性病变。
- The function situation exercising range , upper limb according to clinical symptoms , articulatio humeri carries out valuation. 根据临床症状、肩关节活动范围、上肢功能状况进行评价。
- Methods:Anatomy of articulatio atlantoepistrophia was reviewed and the causes and clinical manifestations were analyzed. 方法:复习寰枢关节解剖结构;分析98例患者的发病因素及临床表现;
- Result: The EMGs and motor nerve conduction velocities (MCVs) were normal at the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus in all patients. 结果:在肱桡肌、桡侧伸腕长肌肌电图及运动神经传导速度(MCV)均正常。
- The mechanical parameters can be applied to practical problem directly, such as the stresses analysis of artificial articulatio coxae. 这些力学特性参数可直接应用于实际问题,例如人工髋关节的应力分析。
- Their MP (including muscle of hypothenar, first interosseus and flexor carpi ulnaris) were also examined by the same operator. 测定前,由同一操作医师测定患者相应的MP(小指展肌、第一骨间肌和尺侧腕屈肌)。
- Injured parts were mainly on knee, articulatio crurotalaris and hard joint.Extracurricular activities could cause injury. 损伤部位多见于膝关节、距小腿关节、手关节等:课外活动是损伤的主要场合;
- Thumb opposing function of all patients was reconstructed by transfering the extensor carpi ulnaris and the extensor pollicis longus muscle tendons. 20例正中神经合并尺神经损伤患者中,优9例、良7例、可4例,优良率80%25。
- Methods 3 cases of distal radioulnar joint dorsal subluxation were involved.The radial - half strip of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon was harvested. 方法对3例患者,取尺侧腕伸肌腱的桡侧半腱条,自尺骨背侧骨孔穿出,由桡骨掌侧骨孔穿入,再从桡骨背侧骨孔穿出后拉紧,固定于尺骨上。
- Conclusion: CT is high valuable on the differential diagnosis of changes in articulatio sacroiliacae between ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. 结论:CT检查是鉴别类风湿性关节炎与强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节病变的一种重要手段。