- The picture has a vivacious artistic conception. 这幅画气韵生动。
- This plan lets consumer learn the artistic concept of neoclassicism style. 此方案让消费者体验新古典主义风格的意境。
- White generates a kind of Leng Jun, majestic, pure artistic concept. 白色产生一种冷峻、庄重、纯洁的意境。
- Therefore, any work that can follow tradition but not stagnate, and have new artistic concepts will be appraised well. 为此,对于法古不泥而有新境者评优。
- Papercuts typically demonstrate the preferred aesthetics of shape and the artistic concepts behind Chinese folk handicrafts. 比较集中地体现了民间艺术的造型规律、创作构思及作品的形式特征。
- Since 20th century, there have been waves of analyzing center, analyzing standard, anti- tradition and anti- authority. New artistic concepts completely negate traditional art. 兰鸵岳
- This article gives a definition to "artistic conception". 这篇论文界说了“意境”这个概念。
- The botanical garden in early spring is rich in poetic and artistic conception. 初春的植物园充满诗情画意。
- This artistic concept of calligraphy is distinct in that it embodies the brilliance of Mao Zedong Thought. 毛泽东的书法艺术观是鲜明深刻的,闪耀着毛泽东思想的巨大光辉。
- Soft carpet footplate is the same as partition of lozenge square column to be in it seems that faint in penetrable give some kind of artistic concept. 柔软的地毯踏板同菱形方柱隔断似乎在隐约中穿透出某种意境。
- This gem of ancient art was cast in the late Han Dynasty. It portrays an artistic concept through the skill of hyperbole with a romantic flavor. 马踏飞燕铸于汉代晚期。以夸张的艺术手法塑造了奔马的艺术形态,意境带有浪漫主义色彩。
- Because it is OK those who weaken dimensional space is curt and out-of-the-way, innovation gives an apt, delightful space artistic concept. 因为它可以削弱空间分隔的生硬闭塞,创造出一个贴切、宜人的空间意境。
- An artistic concept that porch stresses in grinding arenaceous screen compactly to make sitting room and porch interactive and harmonious. 一扇简洁的磨砂屏风让客厅与玄关互动和谐中突出玄关的意境。
- From clean product shots to artistic concept images, Prism can arrange all of your photographic needs with professional cameramen. 品森广告可以为您安排专业的摄影师,为您的产品拍摄整洁锐利的产品照或带有艺术气息的概念照。
- The setting for the poem extrude the artistic conception of its contents. 这首诗的配乐把诗中的意境表现了出来。
- His singing is very flexible and appealing with an artistic conception. 他的歌曲触机成趣,很有意境。
- Similarly, it is subject to the impact of this artistic concept that we categorize the minimalist sculptures of Andrew and Jude as artworks. 同样,也正是受这种艺术观念的影响,我们才将安德列、贾德的极少主义雕塑看作是真正的艺术品。
- Disjunctive means decided the rate that contacts between the space, different disjunctive method basically can create a different aesthetic feeling, appeal and artistic concept. 分隔的方式决定了空间之间联系的程度,不同的分隔方法基本上能够创造出不同的美感、情趣和意境。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- Using the information language to annotate the artistic concept today, it has become a hot topic that the arts are still able to retain its original meanings and rustic characteristics. 在利用信息化的语言诠释艺术理念的今天,艺术是否依然能够保留其原始的内涵和质朴的特征成为人们关注的热点。