- The work boasts special features in terms of expressing the clou and artistic techniques, having far-reaching influence on the later generations. 直到今天,舞台银幕上的木兰形象仍然激励人们的爱国情操。
- Studies on the Artistic Technique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 贝多芬第十七钢琴奏鸣曲创作手法研究。
- He discusses how to understand the art of Dunhuang and the artistic techniques of imagination and exaggeration and also introduces the pigments used in Dunhuang murals. 敦煌研究院院长、研究员段文杰先生在百忙中于11月12日解答了师生们提出的关于敦煌艺术及与其有关的一些问题,指导师生们理解和学习敦煌艺术。
- They should earnestly study, assimilate and expand upon all that is best in the literary and artistic techniques of every land and every age and perfect art forms with the distinctive features of our own nation and our own time. 所有文艺工作者,都应当认真钻研、吸收、融化和发展古今中外艺术技巧中一切好的东西,创造出具有民族风格和时代特色的完美的艺术形式。
- They should earnestly study,assimilate and expand upon all that is best in the literary and artistic techniques of every land and every age and perfect art forms with the distinctive features of our own nation and our own time. 所有文艺工作者,都应当认真钻研、吸收、融化和发展古今中外艺术技巧中一切好的东西,创造出具有民族风格和时代特色的完美的艺术形式。
- Its particular framework, tortuous and vivid plot, lively characters, varied composition, terse and fine language as well as its diversified artistic techniques have fully presented the lively connotation of novelistic beauty. 独具匠心的结构,曲折生动的故事情节,栩栩如生的人物性格,力求变化的行文,简洁优美的语言,多种多样的艺术手法,充分体现了小说美的生动内涵,真可谓文质兼美。
- The post modernist interpretation of "Bamboo Forest" is a tentative hypothesis, and it tries to prove the possibility and rationality of the post modernist thought and artistic techniques in creative and rebellious literary works before post modernism. 摘要《竹林中》的后现代主义阐释不但是一个假设与尝试,而且也试图证明后现代主义作为一种思维态势和艺术手法在后现代之前的极具创造性和叛逆性的文学作品中都有其存在的可能性和合理性。
- The paper also emphasizes the artistic techniques which Bunin adopts in developing the realistic writing artistry: first, in order to get more aesthetic effects, and descriptions according to certain proportion. 论文还重点论述了布宁对现实主义艺术拓展所采用的艺术手法:首先是按一定比例配置小说的情节性与描写性,达到对艺术美的追求。
- Chapter three analyzes the creative artistic techniques used by Charlotte Bronte: the choice of the first-person narrative, subjective angle of vision, successful use of emotional alteration and imagery, and sentimental description of settings. 第三章从第一人称的选择与内视点的开掘、主观情绪化的自然环境描写、移情手法和象征意象的运用等三个角度,深刻论述了夏洛蒂自传体小说在艺术手法与技巧方面的心理化特征。
- This is historically true portrayal of history Emblem Carpenter identity, they charged with tools to go from village to village, the perennial lament in Fugu large, selling their artistic techniques. 这是历史上徽匠身份卑微的真实写照,他们身负工具,走村串乡,常年累月受雇于富贾大户,廉价出卖自己精巧的技艺。
- This documentary is about an artistic technique, anamorphosis, which often used in the 16th and 17th centuries. 这部纪录片是关于图像失真这种艺术技法的,此技法在十六、十七世纪经常被采用。
- Hemingway uses his unique artistic technique and style to make the hero never lose his"grace under pressure". 海明威用他独特的艺术技巧与风格 ,使主人公永远都不失其“重压下的优雅风度”。
- Hemingway uses his unique artistic technique and style to make the hero never lose his" grace under pressure". 海明威用他独特的艺术技巧与风格,使主人公永远都不失其“重压下的优雅风度”。
- Changed to heteromorphism for revenge comes from artistic technique of Sutra story. 化异类以复仇,来自佛经故事的基本艺术机杼。
- A good number of comrades tend to neglect artistic technique; it is therefore necessary to give attention to the raising of artistic standards. 许多同志有忽视艺术的倾向,因此应该注意艺术的提高。
- INTRODUCTION :This sculpture represents the civilty, elegance, grace and modesty of the Oriental women by using simple and general artistic technique. 作品简介:作品以简约、概括的艺术手法,表现东方女性端庄典雅、优美、含蓄的无穷魅力。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- Look into the differences in theme, language, form, artistic technique between Chinese and Western literature on the basis of the comparison between Faulkner and Zhou Li-bo. 第二章,从抗战时民族形式讨论入手,考察在延安及其他地区的热闹讨论中,在三十年代就对民族形式问题进行争论的周立波,却保持沉默的原因。
- As an expression in images of people's life style, history, culture, and feeling, the visual arts record the history of eyes evolution and progress of artistic technique. 视觉艺术作为人类的生活情境、历史文化及心理体验的形象化表达,记录着视觉器官进化和艺术创作能力提升的历史。
- Herold can not match him in artistic talent. 就艺术才华而言,海洛德不能同他相比。